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  1. Quick fort for old times sake.
  2. Base Construction Tips
  3. The Morgasm
  4. Another base (Sam and I)
  5. Vendetta and Rev (canyon)
  6. Vendetta/Calsendon/jesus(bubb)
  7. When bubbles ans sharpy was bored 2
  8. When Sharpy and Bubbles are bored
  9. SF_Tactical Semi-UberFort
  10. Tactical Pre-built theory
  11. 12 block winrar.
  12. Tactical Super Forts
  13. Canyon Base
  15. It's sad this actually worked for this game...
  16. Some low blocklimit bases
  17. Best 1.9.4 Fort EVER !
  18. Skywalk Flag Defense
  19. ??? High Wall
  20. 13 high wall
  21. 6-layer fully reperable wall w/hoardings
  22. Now Thats Uber!
  23. 15 High Wall
  24. Uberfort Server Players Are Amazing!
  25. looks nice
  26. I decided to try my hand at uberforting
  27. Not really a fort but... :)
  28. My first Uberfort
  29. rupture is awesome
  30. amazing fort on city :)
  31. UberFort server - Basin fort from a while ago
  32. amazing fort on astrodome :)
  33. Had a good round at INX Uberforts, nice server.
  34. Uberforts
  35. !!! INX-Gaming.co.uk || Super uber fort!!!!1
  36. crack defence.
  37. sf_city Base
  38. Uberforting in sf_tactical
  39. House Time
  40. Inspiration for y'all
  41. sf_grassy / 35 blocks / experiment
  42. Like my fort on Skywalk?
  43. SF_platform, simple yet somewhat effective base.
  44. SF_skywalk, Early base design.
  45. SF_Skywalk, Extremely un-useful & unpractical base.
  46. SF_FieldTrip Base Designs
  47. Experimental anti-RJ design
  48. Look at my hard work
  49. Do you like my fort?
  50. Paint fort
  51. Cubewall v3
  52. Gamecam help.
  53. Epic Tower
  54. Awesome New Base Idea Guysz
  55. The Sphere..of DOOM!!!
  56. A Robot Not in Disguise
  57. My first uber-fort
  58. Ridiculous waste of time
  59. Vehicle test sexwall
  60. Encapsulation
  61. Praiseth The Lordeh
  62. uberforting gone artistic
  63. map test
  64. Surfing!
  65. My First Invention
  66. Abstract Art..or Maybe Boredom.
  67. 3d blocks + lots of fun = Ubercastle
  68. retarded monkey can do better job then this
  69. Uberfort
  70. Gotta Love this death pose; Nice fort; Just another Citadel
  71. Canon and a RAVE!!!!
  72. Two Dimensional Crawl? <insert Pwnage>!1!
  73. a SF ski-slope
  74. big wall on skywalk
  75. Buggy racetrack video- Highway to Hell
  76. just some stuff
  77. MOAR uberfort pics!
  78. My Skywalk Fort...
  79. player cannon
  80. Revolving block + sweetness?
  81. Uh, Tactical (nolife)
  82. Uh, astrodome..
  83. Oscar Award
  84. Cingular Rasing the Bar
  85. uberfort ^^
  86. The noob fort of ultimate PWNAGE!!!!
  87. *Boom*
  88. Behold! Rottenberry and Schleyer's ultimate cannon of erotic passion!
  89. Maze of sf_deck
  90. A Masterpiece... of Slop.
  91. "Cuub" bases Minty style!
  92. medieval tower
  93. First screenshots of SF_testmap 1.9.2
  94. My palace
  95. Noob Castle
  96. RockClimb Flag D
  97. this thing i WAS building, but got ruined
  98. The Great wall of SourceForts
  99. What Does Über mean any way?
  100. The GWOC Giga fort
  101. Castle.
  102. A House.
  103. First Ever Castleruins Uberfort!(ithink)
  104. My attempt at an "über" fort
  105. Eeros Bunkers, Big Walls and Copious Amount of Death
  106. Greatest Fort Ever Built, Period.
  107. Funny Fort 2
  108. Funny Fort
  109. The 'Dragon's Maw' Fortress
  110. Sweet Flag Defence
  111. the latest [SignaL] Uberfort WIP
  112. APC, beats an ambulance?
  113. Cannon I Made
  114. It's no airport, but it's a start...
  115. Signal "Fuck You" Fort - Pt 1
  116. Pirate Dominoes
  117. HTH Airport
  118. The effects of noobs on uberforts.
  119. Amazing Base Showcase!
  120. Amazing Base Showcase!
  121. Tunnels of Peril!
  122. Skywalk MAZE (large images, beware)
  123. uber noname unberfort
  124. Jenga ftw
  125. HTH represent'n
  126. lala uber-ish
  127. uberfort_skywalk - my save game
  128. Duituber
  129. I got bored... So I uberforted [BEWARE 56K.. 1920x1200 TO FOLLOW]
  130. My fort.. "Fort Trinity"
  131. My maze..
  132. Cityuber
  133. 50 block tactical... be nice with the comments... ROAR
  134. bored... 300 sec 41 piece fort, skywalk... be gentle with the constructive criticism.
  135. Uber flag D--Valley
  136. My First Uberfort (Not really useful, but fun and cool)
  137. The Player Cannon
  138. Metal Urge, Y
  139. The FORTRESS- THE_APPROACH - thumbnails for easy surfing!
  140. The DiGiS Uberfort
  141. Massive spiral Tower :P
  142. 2-in-1
  143. The Sprint-Jump fort
  144. skywalk fort built in a game
  145. Effective Flag D. on sf_platform
  146. Unique, yet unefficient entrance/flag D
  147. 2-story fort
  148. Skywalk Überfort
  149. Un-deconstructable aerial fort
  150. "StrongHold"
  151. Fisrst Fully Finished Fort!
  152. Singleplayer Fort
  153. Wiki images
  154. The fort that is ok but special(Awsome tunnel)
  155. Probably the Best Ever FUNCTIONAL uberforts
  156. How about Fort Building Contests?
  157. Unconventional Fort Design [56k = Death]
  158. 99 Touches, no WAIT, 100!!
  159. The best bunker in the world! [56K WARNING]
  160. Slamfort?!
  161. Weird Skywalk Build - 50 Blocks
  162. new (?) stylish (?) side blocker on sf_skywalk
  163. The [b] 600 Sec [/b] Fort XD
  164. Too much time?
  165. Pyramid to nowhere
  166. trap flag d on silence
  167. sf_conduit - Blocade/Bunker
  168. a fort on skywalk...
  169. sf fronts flag D
  170. new awsome racetrack.
  171. sweet fort
  172. simple but effective
  173. Sniper towers suck!
  174. Abandon \o/
  175. Random defence structures.
  176. A cool tower
  177. abandon, new players and 200 blocks
  178. THE UBER LOOP *it works*
  179. Valley Fort
  180. The Arena! Or, Boredom at 3 AM.
  181. sf_abandon fort
  182. Working Door
  183. Flag Catcher
  184. Really good fort idea but a lot of time and blocks needed
  185. Untested heave-door mechanics
  186. A french build by campino
  187. Quite possibly best practical fort. What do you think?
  188. New design for forts
  189. An excellent new fort design
  190. new flag d design
  191. I guess i should put this here =) Lookie.
  192. Funniest defense ever (No pic, soz)
  193. Whee, a maze.
  194. The sky is the limit
  195. Part's Boom Boom Room
  196. (un)Official Fort challange #2: Black Box
  197. my fort
  198. Post pics of your favorite makeable forts.
  199. (un)Official Fort challange #1: Medieval castle
  200. That double helix ADN ramp
  201. The Soviet Spaceship!
  202. PVT. Parts Castle
  203. Suverin Uberfort
  204. my mini_city fort
  205. The Ramp *gasp
  206. HtH uberforting
  207. BIGHUGEMAP!!!!!1!!oneone!!1
  208. Big Cubie Fort
  209. Even more skywalk semi-uberforting
  210. Skywalk wall - 19 pieces
  211. Skywalk Uberforting
  212. The Lights Of Abandon
  213. The worlds crappest fort.
  214. I got Bored
  215. Tactical tricky entrance
  216. 12 piece complete valley fort
  217. 35 piece city fort
  218. 4 Fun trickjump flagD's at skywalk
  219. sf_tread 35 block lim
  220. Card Tower
  221. Long piece 35 piece build on Tactical
  222. Out and In health and armor design - valley
  223. World's smallest bunker slit
  224. Don't get rid of the cubies!!!
  225. 13 block tactical wall + entrance
  226. A different take on the new wall design
  227. Secret League Tactic #54
  228. Secret League Tactic #756
  229. Secret League Tactic #641
  230. New wall design
  231. Funny forts.
  232. Skywalk (35 block limit) Fort -- Very Large Pictures No 56K
  233. The Great Wall of Skywalk
  234. Some More DigiS UberForting
  235. brand new flag drop for 1.9.1 (not an exploit)
  236. Uber Forting
  237. Crawl Space Defence
  238. Best fort evar!
  240. Who even likes GTO forts spamming?
  241. The Tall bunker
  242. Prison flag D
  243. Cheesy bunker
  244. Effective flag trap idea for 1.9.1
  245. Ground crouch bunker
  246. Quick lil flag d
  247. Adaptation of Archaics modern wall design
  248. New Crawl Space Idea? (Huge Pictures)
  249. TAIPANS easyfort.
  250. Gto ftw!!