You might be wondering if I gona mad or insane or my imagination's broke; Nethier of these.
However, I would have to name that more like "black sphere".
The goal is to make a small and VERY strong fort. Make stuff at least dual layer at the bottom.
Quick example: (Just skip to the end)
Advantage of that type of fort: Easier to defend against granades, safer entrances. However, to be 100% useful, you have to make it high. At least 3 floors. With each floor wider and little gap to shoot through to any possible wallruiners.
Judges: Still just me.
- You may enter as individual, clan or random group.
- You must post at least 3 pictures, and 1 scoreboard picture (wished, not required)
- Blah blah stay with the theme given as much as possible. You can make the fort just small and strong, but keeping the above ideas will get you higher chance of winnind
- This will go for 10 days. That means it's gonna end at 10th of July. Evening.
- The winner will be decided in a day or three. The same day the next chalange will be posted.
- Don't use hugeflatmap. (har har har)
Good luck, if you'll be bothered to do this thing
Previous winners
(#1)Medieval castle - TommieV