Credits to me and flare, kyle (or nerdboy)(i believe), sorry not sure which one helped for around half an hour, there are others building now and they will receive mention in the next screenshots since they havnt built anything in this one.
This took TWO AND A HALF HOURS to make, features quadruple layered walls (double panels and long ones on either side) More work still to be done on it...thats just the walls :p
all exploits will be allowed...
The only exploits not allowed are...
I went into CS:S and opened up a pretty highly populated server, with about 17 people and played for 15 min's racking up an ok KDR. Then, I blurted out:
"hey wow i typed "bind w "kill"" into console and the radar shows all the ts"
The next round, 3/4ths of the people on my team suddenly died. I was then banned for "hacking".