and there should be some good comments we wasted friking 2 hours to build that (well there were some others helping (thx to black and zero)). It might have been bit better if I wouldn't had to do othere tasks at same moment...
I now finally understand the appeal for wooden blocks! It looks like a real fort!
It doesn't look like a real fort so much as a wooden fort. Me, I prefer space-age material alloys for my rapid-deployment anti-gravity combat forts. Icy, dirty alloys.
*Throws Jake a lighter*
__________________ This comment is entirely the opinion of Mudkip and doesn't reflect a final development decision one way or another. The topic is currently being discussed, and testing will take place in order to decide on the ideal course of action, based on decisions made during that discussion.
Wouldn't it be more useful to use chainsaw rather taht trying to burn that down with a lighter.
First you would need to get that fort on fire then some hours of waiting it to cool down and another wall, after that there is still flag def.