



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
Old 08-09-2006
Posts: n/a
Default Funniest defense ever (No pic, soz)

Alright, so I was playing tactics. They got the area behind our window thing, the one near our flag, and built a ramp. So I put together one of the funniest, and most effective, defenses ever.

It goes like this.

Take two of them big pieces, and put them up there. Make sure they bend inwards torwards your base, and are as far away from the actual window as possible and still block them from getting out. That way, you can see people behind them fairly easily. Then take one of the pieces and "Scew" it a tad, so they can get through.

Then make a chute they fall into, with no way out.

Here is what happens: They run up. You can see them fairly easily if they stand there and try to dismantle the wall, so they quickly go out the gape you made, hoping they can reach the flag. Fall down the chute, and... get stuck.

It is hilarious, and very effective.

I might re-make it at some server and post pics.
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Old 08-09-2006
Most Loved SF Personality
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pics then thread
Flare is a Faggot
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Old 08-09-2006
Posts: n/a

Yes, please try and re-create the trap if you can & post pics. I'm having difficulty picturing it in my mind's eye, but am very much looking forward to finding out.
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