Got the idea of making a double high wall with a 2d type crawl with 1x5s. Youll see what i mean. + Its unsprintable:cool:
Above view of wall/entrance.
Path of crawl.
Entrance/Bottom '2d' crawl. You Crawl on the 1x5's on the left. Then at the end you take the steps to get to the top crawl.
The 1x5's on the right don't support you, if you fall off you get stuck/glitched and have to suicide.
Top '2d' crawl. Fall off here and start again Nubzor!1
Triple layer 3d crawl
Exit of crawl. Yayayayya
One more view, because I should have taken 42,000 more photos.
Woot, 2 hours. BRING ON t3H FLAMERZ:eek: