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Old 10-15-2008
Waters's Avatar
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Default Some low blocklimit bases

Using the 1.5x4 block on other maps than sf_crete, i managed to do some new, low blocklimit bases for:

and sf_overload

Here's the astrodome one built with 30 blocks.

The front of the flag defense is double layered, and an eventual healer can avoid harm by hiding behind the 2x3's. Furthermore is it impossible to scroll-jump the flag defense, but it's still slamclimb able.

The wall is triple layered all way to the side blockers which are double layered, and i have used two 1.5 by 4 blocks as a ramp and as a part of the wall. The 2x3 i have placed outside the wall hides most of the wall when you are on the brigde, and a healer can hide there if a block has low percentage health.

You might spot on this last picture that i have placed a 1x5 by the spawner. The reason why i did that is that the spawner can be used as a straferamp, meaning you can easily get over the wall i made.

30 blocks

All walls are double layered except the 1.5x4's most to the right and left, which are single layered. Closest to the middle i placed the 1.5x4's in a way, that makes you unable to see the front part of the lower flag defense from the midfield. The blocks the walls are made of are also touching the ground which provides cover to healers.
The upper flag defense is approximately 3.5 units tall and therefore hard to double-rocketjump.

This picture shows the flag defense. It's impossible to slamclimb in a fight, and the front of the lower flag defense is double layered. Everything else is single layered.

30 blocks

Here's the overload fort done with 30 blocks. It was a bit tricky, and i had to make the front flag defense a part of the wall. Sadly the front flag ended up as only triple layered. Anyway, the 1.5x4 and 1x5 walls are double layered, and all of the flag defense is single layered - apart from the front.
It is also impossible to simple rocketjump over the front/flag defense wall to get a touch.

The upper flag defense is hard to slamclimb, but it is easy to rocketjump in without hurting yourself too much, which makes it easier than the ordinary 35 Overload fort to double-rocketjump. Partly the reason for this being that the middle 2x3 (shown further down) of the flag defense needs to be placed so low in order to make it impossible to crawl in using the 1.5x4 walls.
The side walls points towards the spawn which makes those walls harder to shoot and see from the midfield.


Any questions and critic with arguments are welcome.

Missunderstandings i will try to sort out too.

Last edited by Waters; 10-15-2008 at 05:24 PM.
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Old 10-15-2008
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People should know you didn't come up with these builds.

proof sol said it
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Old 10-15-2008
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Originally Posted by Jake View Post
People should know you didn't come up with these builds.
Why is that? The astrodome one wasn't very original. I know that, but i haven't seen forts like the overload and canyon fort, so why can't i say i came up with them?

Last edited by Waters; 10-15-2008 at 05:25 PM.
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Old 10-15-2008
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For the most part, he took older builds and tweaked them. I actually do like his layouts. I assume you made these in hammer? If so, you should turn them into prebuilds.

Also, I don't think canyon will be scrimmed on much :/NO OFFENSE BLACK, TO BIG AND NOT GOOD LAYOUT.
[Construct] Grim/#'s: furreh bawls
Miauw Mizx: But I am nuddered :<
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Originally Posted by Lagginator View Post
Shut the fuck up Sauce. He could do the dev work on an electric griddle for all I care as long as someone is working on 2.haven.
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Old 10-15-2008
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The overload one is basically the same as the standard one except you moved the flag d on top back so that enemy engineers can take them down without being in line of sight from spawn (or slam climb in without being seen, your choice), and you're cutting it extremely close on the lower flag d with the rocketjump. Even despite your claims, I'd bet its possible to jump into that base with a single rocket.
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Old 10-15-2008
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the front wall on astro is a bad idea, if you just take one piece off the front down then your whole wall is useless if there's a good capper on the other team
Before you ask why he's banned. Simply, he requested to be. He personally found that he visited this site too much, for no reason. Lack of self control I guess, but there you go. Ask him if you want on his Steam. -Black™
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Old 10-15-2008
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Originally Posted by Oddjob View Post
The overload one is basically the same as the standard one except you moved the flag d on top back so that enemy engineers can take them down without being in line of sight from spawn (or slam climb in without being seen, your choice), and you're cutting it extremely close on the lower flag d with the rocketjump. Even despite your claims, I'd bet its possible to jump into that base with a single rocket.
The upper flag defense is a bit bad, but i really couldn't do much better with 30 blocks instead of 35. Also, i think people would try to get caps by destroying the lower flag defense rather than to get a few touches.

It's possible to jump in to the base using explosives, but you can't get to the flag with one single rocketjump. It's hard to see on the pics, but the front flag/wall is slanted so you can't rocketjump there, because the space is too small to get through. The 1.5x4 walls are tall and close enough to the "roof" so you can't get in there either.

The 1.5x4 on the front flag defense/wall is placed outside now. On the other picture it's the second layer which was a personal mistake of mine.

Originally Posted by Nrakla View Post
the front wall on astro is a bad idea, if you just take one piece off the front down then your whole wall is useless if there's a good capper on the other team
Are you sure? Because i tried to remove the front 2x3's and i couldn't scrolljump in, because the second layer overlaps the slanted ground enough. Well, atleast i didn't succed after several attemps. Did you mean getting in another way?

Last edited by Waters; 10-15-2008 at 12:52 PM.
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Old 10-15-2008
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Originally Posted by Waters View Post
Black needs to l2light_spot or use a different model. ;_;
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Old 10-15-2008
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Originally Posted by Draken View Post
Black needs to l2light_spot or use a different model. ;_;
Wasn't any red and blue lights like that. So I didn't have much choice, light_spots were causing huge fps drops, since Canyon used to use one. Light spots would just be the cone of light coming down from the light model, that would make even less sense .

I think Canyon's problem is it's size, but yeah the time it was scrimmed on went pretty well. As it allows cappers multiple ways to try get past the midfield - Kaidus.

Nice to know some one is still working on new or slightly tweaked base designs, either way it's something new to test and try out.

Being totally truthful, if there was a 1.9.5 in the works I'd go back fix the seem and test out different light methods for Canyon, things like that annoy me. Same thing goes for Overload. But I'd rather work on 2.0.0 and ST.

Last edited by Black™; 10-15-2008 at 08:11 PM.
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Old 10-15-2008
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Originally Posted by Black™ View Post
Wasn't any red and blue lights like that. So I didn't have much choice, light_spots were causing huge fps drops, since Canyon used to use one. Light spots would just be the cone of light coming down from the light model, that would make even less sense .
Just copy what valve do, they use 2 light_spots whilst using those models. But yeah, I never really thought of the fps drop it would give to a mod like SF.
Originally Posted by Kanroook on his CRT Monitor
Sir Kanroook: I turn the radiator off in my room and use it as a heater
Sir Kanroook: in winter
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