This is a savegame file for skywalk, with an uber-wall that Ive built.
It goes in Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\sourceforts\SAVE
I would like this fort to become massive beyond reason, so Im going to ask that you guys add onto it and post a rolling save game here.
It might even be neat if we can get a red base going and find out how to host this so more than 1 person can play.
1. If you do not have a SAVE folder
(Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\sourceforts\SAVE), create it.
2. Extract the zip file into the SAVE folder.
3. Load SourceForts.
4. Bring up your console and type "maxplayers 1"
5. Still in the console, type "load uberfort_skywalk"
6. To save your progress, type "save uberfort_skywalk"
7. To let us download your progress, exit the game and navigate to the save game folder.
8. Zip the "uberfort_skywalk.sav" file.
(WinXP: Right-Click > Send To > Compressed (zipped) Folder)
9. Upload it to the internet and post the link on the forums, I like
- How to use
- a. Click the browse button underneith the "Choose Your File..." text.
- b. Navigate to your Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\sourceforts\SAVE directory and select "". Click Open.
- c. Click the "UPLOAD FILE" file button. A popup will appear. Wait for it to disappear and the page will change.
- d. Copy the URL under "Direct Linking Code" and post that URL in your forum message.