joined the hospital server with widow and started to make the APC that me and jeffers lost a week or two ago on when the server crashed. aware of the chance of another crash as the noobs on the other side were block spamming (with a 140 block limit. not sure how the managed to screw their blocks over so much) i decided to get all the demo/screenshots i could before it was lost. in the end it didnt get lost and we managed to carry on after the demo.
the screenshots were taken in console and open with photoshop the demo needs to go in your sourceforts directory then type "startdemo hospital" in the console once the game has loaded. its nothing amazingly special nor is it as large as mine and jeffers' one but its there and not awful for two guys work
made by widowmaker and myself
at the start of the demo you can see wilson's tank on the next platform. i didnt notice him building it and so didnt get any footage of it
you can see defias admining sindrex in the chat >< later he discovered the power of spawning pidgeons...
so yeah, dont flame?