Are you just plain ignorant? I cleary give credit to Archaic with the post based on his design, the rest i thought up myself, i don't care if they have been around from the beginning of time, they ain't been on the sf forums ever, and i am not privy to what you guys get upto in your passworded server sessions, so since i have never had your influence on any of my designs stfu already with that swell head, the way you act is if it ain't done by SR it ain't worthy etc, sorry this community does not revlove around you our your clan, if you clan wasn't around the mod most definately would still be.
Get you arse of cloud 9 and start acting with a little more respect toward others, or is this how you act in real life? If so then thats not my problem, don't bring it in here with your flaming, and provocative posts for no just reason other than to get of on my reactions to the posts.