Originally Posted by computeraddict_ressurect
It would be easy to add imperfections if you were:
A. Trying to add them so as not to look like Hammer
B. Bad at Hammer
C. Doing it in-game
Not to mention that Hammer likes to spaz when you have that many model entities. I once tried decompiling bigflatmap and building a tower to the top of the skybox in Hammer and it crashed frequently, then proceeded to not compile.
A. Im a perfectionist i wouldnt do that.
B. I dont have sf set up in hammer and dint know how to make forts in hammer
C. The 2nd row of 1 by 5's is at a slight angle to the bottom and by the end on the far right (from looking out of the base) it has gone from being in line with the wall to being almost 1 block thickness out, i couldnt fake that and
afaik i couldnt do that in hammer.