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Old 06-11-2006
TommieV's Avatar
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Default Out and In health and armor design - valley

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People seem to block the ammo and health + suit charger on valley alot, so that it can only be used from inside the fort. But why do this? Its only for your own team, the enemy cant use it anyway. But people like to use it as part of the wall, it saves pieces. So I thought up something nifty that will make you able to refill your ammo and replenish your health + armor, from inside and outside the fort. And it even works as a flag dropper, too! And a legit one, not one that makes it roll through a slide where the player doesnt fit, but more like using the technique of Khuskan.
On screenshot one, is the overview. You see the basic setup, except there is a bit of a hole in the wall on the right, and an sort of walkway at the left. Ill explain it.
The gap at the ammo, which can be looked closer at screenshot 3, is to refill your ammo from outside of the fort. Ofcourse you can also use it from inside the fort. If you really need to, you can block it a bit off more so that they cannot shoot you from outside the fort. You could even make some cover, so that if you refill through the gap you cant get shot by snipers.
Now onto the hallway thingie. You can just walk into it from outside the fort, but it is made so you cant jump out it to the inside of the fort. If you look close, you can see that the long plate is a bit higher then the ground. I will later explain how to build this. Anyway, you can walk through this walkway and easily reach to the health and suite charger when inside it. But the important thing is, you can also reach it from inside the fort!
Take a good look at screenshot 2 and maybe you can see spot the flag dropper already. You need to drop the flag at the most far bit of the hallway, most near to the spawn. Here you drop it. Now, you can pick it up from both inside and outside the fort. Be careful that your enemies dont pick it up before someone in the fort does though! But the hallway isnt big enough for two, so you can block it easily, and there is health also, so you can hold it for long enough, i hope.

Just take a long cube, put it on the side so that it stands as high as it can. Now put a few flag panels over it, stand on them, freeze them and remove the cube. You can make the piece that is just above the ground but still straight by doing the following. Use a cube, push it to the wall, get a long piece, push it to the cube, but while a small flat piece is lying under the long piece (not the cube!)This way it is just a bit higher then the ground. Make sure that you make the roof above it first, because else it will be very hard to do. If you made the roof exactly as high as a cube on its side, you wont be able to squeze through the gap. You can even double layer the hallway if you want, but make sure you can still reach to the health and suit charger, I had problems with this. You can also easily shoot from within the hallway into the fort. You can make additional protection with flat panels if you think its worth it. The hallway is next to the spawn, which could be annoying, but usefull too. You come out from it with full health and armor and a gun with ammo. It wont be that hard to take out people in the hallway.
The hallway also looks like a fake entrance, and you even can drop the flag through it so it looks even more like an entrance. That way the enemy also is distracted from your real entrance.
my SourceForts prefabs. including flags, and re-use-able spawners, for both teams.
[14:24] Billeh.: I just caught my dad on porn.
you are a nice person, love noca xx
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Old 06-11-2006
Nocashvalue's Avatar
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Great idea (:
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Old 06-11-2006
IactoSophos's Avatar
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Nice idea! Good thing about ammo is you don't need to stop to replenish, there isn't a max range after you use it, so get close, tap 'use' and run off into the fray!
Retreat and I'll shoot you, coward!
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Old 06-12-2006
SwiftSpear's Avatar
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People block the health/armor in because that round structury thing is much easier to wall up then extending the wall the whole way along the fightgrounds.

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Old 06-12-2006
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Nice idea, but in competetive play its just gonna lead to a headache to defend :? , but for pub's its a good use .
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Old 06-12-2006
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Very slick idea....not really for tourny/league play, but defintely looks like a winner for pub play.

You could probably cut out a few blocks and still have a fully functional service station WITH redundency

Edit: After thinking about it....this COULD be useful in league play. Especially with the "no entrance required" rule, might be much easier to get back in the fight keeping this around. May not be suggestable if you are not winning however, because if you are sticking around the base too're probably gonna lose.
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Old 06-12-2006
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Doesn't look very useful since your side isn't protected from fire coming from the midfield while you're recharging. What's the point of recharging your health if there's a huge risk that you'll be blown up in the process?

One rocket from the other team's base into the ledge next to the recharges and you're going to be fucked up. Just put a block there and you're relatively safe.
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Old 06-12-2006
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What's the point of recharging when you can just suicide?

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Old 06-12-2006
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Like entRo and Swift said, ofcourse its also very practical to setup some cover for the refill. However, with the health - suit charger your actually pretty covered.
Vann, not all people are so damn fast as you

Thanks for the other comments. Maybe it will be used in the league, but I dont know if its really that worth the blocks. Especially if you add extra cover I people would spend that many blocks on this. However, for pub play this works pretty well.
my SourceForts prefabs. including flags, and re-use-able spawners, for both teams.
[14:24] Billeh.: I just caught my dad on porn.
you are a nice person, love noca xx
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Old 06-12-2006
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Life is for the weak.

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