Ok, so I was a little bored so I locked myself in a server and made some basic constructions. Ive made crawltunnels, trickjump entrances, flag-d's, flag entrances (called them flag-e's, original eh?), and stuff like a basic wall and ramp.
Ive secretly uploaded it all in a zip to billeh's webhost:
If anyone could host all the files on a
stable host, and give the links so we could link to them in the wiki, that would be nice, eh? If any of you guys think you can do a better job, have comments, or have more structures in mind which should appear on the wiki, be my guest and reply
my SourceForts prefabs. including flags, and re-use-able spawners, for both teams.
[14:24] Billeh.: I just caught my dad on porn.

you are a nice person, love noca xx