Yea i didnt double layer it because i was just trying to get the general design down. Alot of the stuff on there was kinda optional, like the bunker(and there was a sniper tower that wasnt in the pics). When i finished the main part of the base, i hadnt even used half the blocks. so it's extremely block effecient. it can easily become anti-nade and what not. Hell if there was no ammo path, bunker, sniper tower, and that ugly wall on the left, you could probably tripple or quadruple plate the flag and entrance.
You can repair the flag D, the pieces run all the way up to the fort, so you can repair from the top.
And you can run into the spawn from the side, the opening is big enough to get through, so you dont have to take the enemy's way in.
The only thing that takes time is the flooring, flag, and entrance. So all you would need is 3 experienced builders to do the hard stuff, and then the easy stuff by anyone else. I'd be impressed if this thing was built in a pub. But it could easily be done in a clan match.
Originally Posted by Vanderdecken
Originally Posted by GCool