How about Fort Building Contests?
Since the main thing that makes SourceForts unique is the fort building, I thought there should be Fort Building Contests. How about 1 per month? Starts on the 1st of the month and ends 5 Days before the end of the month, and the winner is announced at the end of the month.
I know that there has been contests like this before (2 that I have found topics for), but not like what I have planned.
1. Unlimited Blocks
2. Fort must be built to Contest Description. Forts may not be complete forts. They may be parts of forts such as sniper towers, walls, entrances/exits, flag d's, etc.
3. Must be done on the map specified.
4. Must enter the contest during the 5 days before contest start (during judging of the previous month).
5. A .sav file of the fort must be submitted to the judges.
6. You may partner up with some people, but specify who you are when entering, and no more than 4-person teams.
7. Must be functional
8. Doesn't have to be built in stock building time (would be way too hard to regulate this unless if we have dedicated servers)
I think that these could be modified a bit, but it's a start.
For this to work I need:
1. Judges - these people must have played SF for a while, and cannot be noobs
So what do you guys think about this?? If we end up doing this every month which is what I have planned, would it be possible for the forum admin to make a seperate section for contests so we can keep them all in one section and not clutter up another section of the forum?