These are probably the best functional uberforts ever, or fairly darn close to it.
These both were made with a 300 block limit, and both made in about 1 1/2 hours each. Now if only we would be able to load saves on online servers...we could load forts like these and then have awesome battles
Unfortunately, when i created the server, I forgot to set it to LAN, so it ended up being an Online server and it was too late when i noticed. So I could not create a save of these 2 uberforts.
Here is the first uberfort (both of these done today):
those are some shitty uberforts, 1st, the metalurgy one can be jumped into from both sides, and RJ'd there too. Too much shit near spawn = hella long to get to the ends, and also means your base will be torn down. No bunkers or ramps to the top mean engineers have an even easier time getting in.
abbaddon: no flag D at all, can jump in from lots of places, same problems as metalugy one also
Originally Posted by BlueBlahBlee
or maybe i have no room for logic because i have belief
well on the metalurgy one...EVERYTHING is triple layered. I was gonna make a sniper tower (an actual tower, not a box with a ramp goin to it like you normall see), and then a better flag d.
for the abandon one...was kind of hard to make a good flag d because of the no-build zone...was gonna put an extra 4 layers on the front wall but didn't have time because a couple people joined the server.
Both of these forts have been tested in combat, and with 10 vs. would be pretty much impossible for the opponents to even touch the flag if your team knows what they are doing. With the way the entrance worked on the metalurgy was easy to fill the entrance with slams so that nobody could get in that way without dieing.
edit: lol, imagine this for the abandon one...Joining the server, and then going on the blue team. go out of the spawn area and then see this extremely huge wall of blocks, lol
so what? 1 1x5 can be used to make a ramp over your base, and your base is way too far away from spawn to defend correctly. and you can jump in from the side. it would not last at all. enemy in your base + wall too far from spawn = impossible to defend = your wall gets torn down. and again, once people get into your base on abbaddon, they can easily get the flag and get out. both those bases suck
this weekend ill make a real uberfort
Originally Posted by BlueBlahBlee
or maybe i have no room for logic because i have belief