((new, better forts here:
In SF, one of my specialties as an engi is to make and maintain im-passable structures, holding my end of the fort and letting other players watch the enterance.
I happened to find some screenshots of some of my walls, I figured i'd post a couple here.
OK, first off, my favorite:
The wall is double-layered, totally flat. I remember one poor sod decided to un-weld some of the wall, only to find he couldn't move it after - it just slid around stuck between 2 more. I couldn't help but laugh as I jumped over him and aimed the shotgun down his gullet. I fixed the wall, good as new, right after.
They had a short ramp with low defences, then higher defences further on. Of cource, they couldn't see what I was doing in the build phase. After they gave up on trying to dis-mantle it I hopped over and started dismanteling theres, instead.
Here's a pic of the front, completly void of any blue blocks:

The one big one on end, fully lit (the lighting sucked in that map) and the one next to it were originally blue
(you may also note a dead body and a slam that I worked around...)
In the same server, a few maps later, I built something similar, but far less intimidating.
I maintained it for a while before I hopped over and started taking my fill of blocks. I completly wiped out their ramps and walls on that side before incorperating them into my own 2-wall defence and sniper bay.
The blocks with a blue cross are those that were stolen and put up during that combat phase at the expence of a couple of lifes - I would have made them more presentable but we ha dno more build rounds. The ramp made my primary wall slightly higher and the thick blocks made cover from snipers as I un-welded blocks from my side of the fence :twisted:
Someone told me I deserved recognition for that wall. That was great.
I don't usually take pics of my forts, though, so I don't have many more good ones (mainly pics of maps i'm making).
But that is the type of thing you should be expecting to see in a good game. Well made defences with at least one person protecting, re-building and healing them - adding to it whenever possible and neatening it up when build time comes around.
I didn't take pics of the rest of the fort because, well, I didn't make the rest of the fort. Having several people working on their own parts is far more productive.