



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
Old 08-29-2006
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Default Random defence structures.

((new, better forts here:

In SF, one of my specialties as an engi is to make and maintain im-passable structures, holding my end of the fort and letting other players watch the enterance.

I happened to find some screenshots of some of my walls, I figured i'd post a couple here.

OK, first off, my favorite:

The wall is double-layered, totally flat. I remember one poor sod decided to un-weld some of the wall, only to find he couldn't move it after - it just slid around stuck between 2 more. I couldn't help but laugh as I jumped over him and aimed the shotgun down his gullet. I fixed the wall, good as new, right after.
They had a short ramp with low defences, then higher defences further on. Of cource, they couldn't see what I was doing in the build phase. After they gave up on trying to dis-mantle it I hopped over and started dismanteling theres, instead.

Here's a pic of the front, completly void of any blue blocks:

The one big one on end, fully lit (the lighting sucked in that map) and the one next to it were originally blue
(you may also note a dead body and a slam that I worked around...)

In the same server, a few maps later, I built something similar, but far less intimidating.
I maintained it for a while before I hopped over and started taking my fill of blocks. I completly wiped out their ramps and walls on that side before incorperating them into my own 2-wall defence and sniper bay.

The blocks with a blue cross are those that were stolen and put up during that combat phase at the expence of a couple of lifes - I would have made them more presentable but we ha dno more build rounds. The ramp made my primary wall slightly higher and the thick blocks made cover from snipers as I un-welded blocks from my side of the fence :twisted:

Someone told me I deserved recognition for that wall. That was great.

I don't usually take pics of my forts, though, so I don't have many more good ones (mainly pics of maps i'm making).
But that is the type of thing you should be expecting to see in a good game. Well made defences with at least one person protecting, re-building and healing them - adding to it whenever possible and neatening it up when build time comes around.

I didn't take pics of the rest of the fort because, well, I didn't make the rest of the fort. Having several people working on their own parts is far more productive.

All's fair in love and sourceforts.
Originally Posted by zerocool View Post
Music? I think something is wrong with my soundcard.
Everytime I start that youtube video I hear a lot of loud noise and yelling.
Originally Posted by Sauce
how the hell do you think that is sig-worthy? :S
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Old 08-29-2006
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a good effort on public servers.

beware though, these defenses wont work very well against seasoned players.

For example, on the first map, you can either a) build a big ass ramp over the center of the map, or 2) walk along the side railing on the map, either way totally bypassing your wall. There are endless possibilities to bypassing your wall on the second map, so just understand that it is quite easily compromisable. When playing against better people, you will quickly discover that you will almost NEVER get the opportunity to hop over your wall, stroll over to the enemy front wall, and take a squat for 10 seconds. This just doesnt happen without some kind of diversion or teamwork.

I would suggest trying to play with some clan members. Fafinaf, AKA, Suverin, SR, etc. These people will all show you either by correcting you on your own team or flat-out kicking your ass on the other team. When building anything you mindset should always be "how would I break into this base/kill that dude behind the wall?".
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Old 08-29-2006
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Actually, some had tried to walk along the wall on the first. After I killed him I realised how stupid I was to have missed it and quickly patched it up. He was the only one who tried.

As for going up and over, there were 4 or so players up there with their own wall, doing a great job.

And I allways make sure I have cover when i'm unwelding

Thanks, though.

All's fair in love and sourceforts.
Originally Posted by zerocool View Post
Music? I think something is wrong with my soundcard.
Everytime I start that youtube video I hear a lot of loud noise and yelling.
Originally Posted by Sauce
how the hell do you think that is sig-worthy? :S
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Old 08-29-2006
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Originally Posted by AlphaSE7EN
a good effort on public servers.
I would suggest trying to play with some clan members. Fafinaf, AKA, Suverin, SR, HTH (w00t w00t) etc. These people will all show you either by correcting you on your own team or flat-out kicking your ass on the other team. When building anything you mindset should always be "how would I break into this base/kill that dude behind the wall?".

My Xfire: charlieo

Originally Posted by Nocashvalue View Post
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Old 08-29-2006
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ninja quote edits ftw.

you were in there under "etc." :P
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Old 08-29-2006
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Originally Posted by AlphaSE7EN
a good effort on public servers.

beware though, these defenses wont work very well against seasoned players.

For example, on the first map, you can either a) build a big ass ramp over the center of the map, or 2) walk along the side railing on the map, either way totally bypassing your wall. There are endless possibilities to bypassing your wall on the second map, so just understand that it is quite easily compromisable. When playing against better people, you will quickly discover that you will almost NEVER get the opportunity to hop over your wall, stroll over to the enemy front wall, and take a squat for 10 seconds. This just doesnt happen without some kind of diversion or teamwork.

I would suggest trying to play with some clan members. Fafinaf, AKA, Suverin, SR, etc. These people will all show you either by correcting you on your own team or flat-out kicking your ass on the other team. When building anything you mindset should always be "how would I break into this base/kill that dude behind the wall?".
Very well-worded, judicious and even-handed post. Also very true.

This is exactly how I learned to build non-sucky structures. When I first started playing, I thought my building was the sh1t, until guys like Holy_Devil, Lemon Poodin and such came and pwned my defenses. It was from that experience that I learned what works and what doesn't. It may take time, but after while, if you pay attention, you'll learn to build great/hard to crack forts as well.
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Old 08-29-2006
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Cool, thanks

All's fair in love and sourceforts.
Originally Posted by zerocool View Post
Music? I think something is wrong with my soundcard.
Everytime I start that youtube video I hear a lot of loud noise and yelling.
Originally Posted by Sauce
how the hell do you think that is sig-worthy? :S
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Old 08-29-2006
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i just realized that i said "a)' and "2)" instead of a, b or 1, 2.....

short attention span ftw.

PS thanks for the props lego. I aim to be coherant.
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Old 08-29-2006
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Short attention span f - woa, pretty butterfly...

Riddle me this, are they good for a person who's only been playing 7 days (almost exactly) (probably 4/5 days at the time)?

All's fair in love and sourceforts.
Originally Posted by zerocool View Post
Music? I think something is wrong with my soundcard.
Everytime I start that youtube video I hear a lot of loud noise and yelling.
Originally Posted by Sauce
how the hell do you think that is sig-worthy? :S
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Old 08-30-2006
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Neither of those would keep me out for a millisecond.

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