Heres a first attempt at a 35 block city fort, its very open and all (lets the fresh air in so the smelly players don't stink out the fort with "camp de toilet").
This flag d is the centre piece , once that falls your sure the base servs no other purpose, and you will end up loseing
Now as you can tell from, the other pictures, the flag d is piss easy for anyone to get into, but to get out is a whole other kettle of fish
and i make a crude lol sign with the 3 pieces left over (im sure you would use it to double layer or make a sniper post on one of the buildings.
Also you don't need ramps to both roofs, so if you wanted you could save 3 more pieces to use elsewhere (and maybe if you made the crawl entrance different you could save 1 or 2 more).
__________________ my SourceForts prefabs. including flags, and re-use-able spawners, for both teams.
[14:24] Billeh.: I just caught my dad on porn. you are a nice person, love noca xx
Yeah that front right may be crawlable lol, i didn't test everything out 100%, just was doing it for concept. The crawl space is too high to jump ontop.
But if you Rj you can get into any part of this forts easy, same goes for jumping off the roof .
As long as your not a total moron or get sniped like hell you can defend it good enough anyway, roadblocks ftw.
__________________ my SourceForts prefabs. including flags, and re-use-able spawners, for both teams.
[14:24] Billeh.: I just caught my dad on porn. you are a nice person, love noca xx