



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
Old 06-27-2006
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Default Skywalk Uberforting

Considering this was an uberfort, it was built suprisingly quickly, though the blockcount was quite phenominal so it wouldn't really be viable in a real match, but regardless you might be able to steal a few ideas from it.

Inside of the fort, you can see how all the different wall layers are easy to access for repairs from inside the fort. 3 layers in total. 2 battlements provide optimal coverage. A third was later added between the 2 exit ramps. In the middle is the flagdrop which doubles as a foward bunker.

Side shot showing the enterance. The side defences are layered 4 times. The enterance was rushed because of the remaining time - I still had the flag defence to do at this point.

A better shot of the enterance. Easy to knock people out and even if that 2x1 3d block is removed it's still impossible to jump up on top without a rocket jump.

Front wall showing the flag drop/centeral bunkre and ramp exit points. The shape of the wall maximises space to move around inside the base, but minimises area outside making it harder for the enemy to avoid your fire.

A shot from one of the ramps showing the height of the base and the middle battlement point.

A sniper running up to the flagdrop/bunker. That area is reinforced to 4 layers as the hole suggests a weakpoint to the enemy.
fljo: this game sucsk and kukshna/khuskan thinks he to good since he a [dev[
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Old 06-27-2006
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Old 06-27-2006
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Cool fort (btw wtf are Jasen and Spork waffeling on about rofl), i remeber you made a similar for about two times before, only it was a straight wall exactly the same as that, inside you had the uberest mofo flag d, and a 3 plank long 1x5 crawl tunnel as your entrance (i think narf was the only ninja who sneaked into your fort and touched your flag lol).

But one problem you have with that fort is the battlements = rapeage on you, i was sniping half your team back off the battlements rofl, was funny to see a rocketeer come over to kill the engi then get sniped back into the fort (unluck for us another would pop over a second or so later and fire off a rocket to kill our engi before i even noticed him lol), plus the snipers on your battlement were not covered at all, i could always see either the top off their heads, or i could clearly see them through the small gaps that are left from putting the 1x5's upright next to each other.
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Old 06-27-2006
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Very nice fort, it looks like it would have been hard to take down.
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Old 06-27-2006
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Originally Posted by Gto
But one problem you have with that fort is the battlements = rapeage on you, i was sniping half your team back off the battlements... ...or i could clearly see them through the small gaps that are left from putting the 1x5's upright next to each other.
That was because we rushed it and it was the first time spork had ever layered it. Given more time I would have compressed the front panels together giving minimal gap - something, that due to the shape of the players physbox, can only be done if the wall is exactly horizontal or vertical to the map. The battlement on that fort was way too high, which was sort of intetional and a result of the lack of time. There was at that point no exit to the base instead of climbing the skyfort so the battlements had to be easy to jump for a quick escape. This of course had the adverse effect of not providing much cover.

However, even if you can see people through the gaps, it would be impossible to shoot a bolt through them.
fljo: this game sucsk and kukshna/khuskan thinks he to good since he a [dev[
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Old 06-27-2006
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Originally Posted by Khuskan
However, even if you can see people through the gaps, it would be impossible to shoot a bolt through them.
Which is why i just waited with my aim above where they will popup , but if that was your first attempt kudos, it did look nice the first 2 time i played with that fort .
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Old 08-16-2006
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Always post a pic of the outside to show how intimidating it is to the attackers :twisted:
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Old 08-16-2006
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why would you bow it out? You can just make a big ramp and jump over. Hehe
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Old 08-16-2006
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Nice, but does the flag drop still work?
my SourceForts prefabs. including flags, and re-use-able spawners, for both teams.
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Old 08-16-2006
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This is a personal feeling:

I would much rather see entrances / exits that were well guarded but much easier to get into.

I really hate trying to get into a base by tricks (rocketjumping, trick jumping etc.) because I'm crap at it.
Besides, it really discourages new players from going after the flag if it's made too difficult.
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