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Old 06-06-2006
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Default Secret League Tactic #641

This MAY put your team over the 35 block limit if not made efficiently. If done well, it remains a feasible building scheme for league matches....

The "Underground Railroad"

Creators: .narf, Vann

The quick, ideal method for bypassing double-layered walls. The pathway should lead underneath their spawn and loop around onto it.
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Old 06-06-2006
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LOL Now I can appreciate the creativity here. If this ever happened to a team I was on and I didn't notice I wouldn't be angry at all, hell if you built that and got away with it then you DESERVE the flag, that's no lie.
It's 'Fik-Shus'
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Old 06-06-2006
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Thought about this a while back....I think its ALMOST a feasible strat.....

....but only on pubs. Any league match the other team will notice this fairly quickly as you wil be welding quite a few longs to get to th other team's spawn. So noise + promity to their base = short trip on the underground railroad. Not to mention....using all those blocks severly limits your flag protecting capability.

+5 for good thinking, +10 for creativity but -20 for practicality

Would be WICKED fun if you pulled it off, however :wink:
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Old 06-06-2006
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w0000, that thing is so f'ing hard to make.

You'd think it would be because of the other team, but no, the real problem are people from your OWN team getting down there an hanging out because its coool. So you try to build and they get in the way.

Ah well if you pull it off it's wicked. And it's not that unfeasible (sp?) to do it if you stick close to the ceiling of the underside of the map.

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Old 06-06-2006
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It's something you could definitely do if your team was dedicated to it. Keep the other players busy with soldiers and rocketeers while one or two engineers build the bridge unabated.
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Old 06-06-2006
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It has worked very nicely in pub servers I have played on.

If used effectively then yes it can be done with the block limit and with enough for a good flag defence and semi wall/cover.
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Old 06-06-2006
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ehmm no offense narf.
But I have seen and builded those things since 1.4.2
Ask Kanroook, TommieV, lemon, eero and I think K3Y to about these things.
Originally Posted by Sol View Post
zerocool is secretly planning to dominate the whole earth and take possession of all its riches.
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Old 06-06-2006
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lol i actually tried that on skywalk when 1.9.1 was released, first i tried to make a sky ramp over to thier flag, but pesky snipers got the better of me too easy, so in the next build phase i took down the ramp and built a underpass like yours, only the enemys noticed, so was hard as heck to even build across the remaining half of the map in combat.

Not only the above but when your unfreezing/freezing the enemy tends to hear then panic looking for the engineer owning thier base, will alert them at minimum, give you away at worst.
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Old 06-06-2006
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meh, in an actual game state they dont work too well... it takes around 10 blocks from end to end (thats without you dropping any in fight time) and it would take 300 secs to build on their side without interuptions... easily gunned down by defending team while building, and can be dismantled failrly easily on the other end aswell. Good for pub matches with 50 blocklimit, for league matches, im not so sure.

if the other team catchs sight of you once you will fail and lose many blocks of that bery little that you start off with (also, when it toggles to build blue can dismantle and gain 5+ blocks for themselves). Overall: pub matches - on the boarders of practicality. Clan matches - very very little chance of succeding
Originally Posted by Qu1f View Post
Anyway why was there 2.0V models in the picture? Or is it just a thing SR got for being such a supportive clan of the mod?
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Old 06-06-2006
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The only time I got this to work was in build time with no build wall and a really ignorant team :P
my SourceForts prefabs. including flags, and re-use-able spawners, for both teams.
[14:24] Billeh.: I just caught my dad on porn.
you are a nice person, love noca xx
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