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Old 09-09-2006
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 20
Default sf_conduit - Blocade/Bunker

I was bored the other day, so I decided I'd make a server and practice my building techniques. I came up with this blocade/bunker for one of the tunnels in sf_conduit, it has a couple nice features.

As you can see there is a step up to the slit in the wall acting as the bunker part, its not extremly hard to toss a nade into the bunker but it makes the enemy calculate the throw a little longer and of course it gives you pretty decent cover from enemy fire.

This is what the enemy sees.

Above the ramp, near the half way point I put a small wall to make it harder for nades to make it in threw the side, it hits the top part of the wall and rolls down the ramp into a nade catcher at the bottom.

Better look of the nade catcher.

There are still a few problems with my design, like the fact that it is somewhat expensive to build because it uses around 15 blocks and that it takes me about 250 seconds to build, hopefully ill get better at that part, but besides that, the enemy has a real hard time getting past, in the furture i want to incorporate some sort of system that will allow me to drop a nade over to the enemy side so I can quickly eleminate enemy engeneers.

Thats all, tell me what you think.
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Old 09-09-2006
amateur rocketeer
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Beloeil, QC, Canada
Posts: 194

nice barricade, I love sf conduit, the upper tunel is a great place to build good def walls. actually, among all the maps I've played up to date, it's my favortie place to build !

besides, I love the idea of the nade catcher, nading the incoming ennemy when you wanna unfreeze this wall, is the only way to get enough time to get the job done.
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Old 09-09-2006
joe joe is offline
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Posts: 77

conduit is probably my #1 favorite sf map
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Old 09-09-2006
RedXIII^'s Avatar
Suverin Clan ******
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Not bad building, a lot better standard then a lot of newer players.

Keep it up

Also be sure to watch other clanners build, you could learn a lot.
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Old 09-09-2006
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 20

I got around to making a grenade shoot to eliminate enemy engeneers, take a look.

All you have to do is lob one in and it rolls down to the other side.

The only draw back is that it will kill the engeneer only if he is on the same side as where the granade falls, so if he is dewelding the panel across from the shoot, it won't completly kill him. But I guess I can work on a solution for that.

Block Count = 16

Thanks alot RedXIII, I've only been playing for like 5 days now. Are there any clan videos i could download or would I have to find a clan server to play on? Because I can't seem to find any, 90% of the pubbers dont take time to make proper walls and they waste blocks like crazy, I'd love to find a server that made sense.

Keep the comments a coming.
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