



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
Old 11-07-2006
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Post lala uber-ish

Ok i started uberforting in sf_lala just because i hadnt seen anyone do it on that map.

after a while i got bored, so its not incredibly uber.

Link: Screenshots
Images taken using console so they open in photoshop.

things ive learned from this uber fort:
1. building straight walls mid air is hard/impossible.
2. long crawl tunnels + ramps = hard/confusing.
3. my spawn shelter / bunker could be over used and cause player blocking
4. outer wall will be raped by engineers
5. flag wall (without tunnel) is jumpable in build mode. definately in combat
6. ramps on the side will be used to enter base (engis)

any more comments to learn from would be great
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