View Full Version : SourceForts!
- Sourceforts' music?
- Game night-Friday 13th July 8PM BST / 3 PM EDT / 12 PM EST
- Help someone set up a server
- Hello!`
- Source mod party!!
- Permit to port SF to another game?
- What happened?
- [POSTPONED] Community Play'n'Meet
- im back.
- Attention newcomers & old returning dudes
- A little curious...
- Let's propose
- Let's ask
- would you guys actually play if i put up a server?
- How to get started?
- oh hey guys
- SF, so what's up ?
- Cant start mod
- Worse review ever, worse player?
- A few servers...
- Video: KFC (Suverin) vs. HtH ~2008
- lets bring sourceforts back!
- Sourceforts 132 Devs
- Is there any versions people still play?
- New Source SDK
- This game is dead.
- Future
- Can someone help me find these maps?
- Holy shit
- Antlions in game
- Desura and Steam
- Empty Servers?
- 31/3/2011
- Weird error in steam
- Pulsar ukulele
- Closest win ever.
- Sourceforts
- Previous Sourcefort Concepts
- I saw sf was on again, I launched it and WTF?
- Blast from the Past?
- i still know my password
- I Do Declare
- :O
- Sourceforts community as a whole
- SF
- Had a game earlier with some friends
- Is there still someone working on sf?
- Distance range to catch a block
- Sourceforts mod timeline
- When you see it...
- Failed.
- sourceforts ftlulz
- Luminous Forts is dead
- Rejoice
- HL2MP has been updated
- Happy Birthday Arenaceous !!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111one
- Do people still play or what?
- HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
- Irc Channel
- Azlan Trick Jumps
- Installer Problem! :(
- Oldschool frag video
- Welcome back Warrior2k......
- SF 1.9
- this is not a spam thread
- ETA for next release?
- They be attacking
- Open Source Workaround
- Players?
- Please
- Instructional Videos
- Just got my internet back
- Sigh... I give up.
- Seriosly, WTF ?
- So what's gonna happen...
- Ravil's Custom Day
- Source SDK
- New Repository Setup
- Bleop
- Morning faggots.
- What is this map?
- Few questions concerning pub servers
- Banner
- Cannot join servers - wrong version
- Need Helps!
- Weapon fire rate issue
- Rocketspam
- What's this?
- Happy Birthday SourceForts!
- Gotta hand it to you.
- So I was playin some flash games and I saw this
- Welcome to SourceForts sir Turbo
- SourcefortsTV
- Back
- IRC Channel
- steif
- free advertisement!
- Hacker
- Sourceforts 195
- Nostalgia Thread
- New server
- Bug report (Non-critical bug)
- So..Ive been gone for over a year. Whats up
- Drakon:
- Hi.
- Hi
- hi
- Status of 2.0?
- anyone knows if theres someone sf server hosts ?
- Hey SF faggots and Construct faggots
- Stubby
- SourceForts 2.0.0 Released
- SourceForts with Left 4 Dead
- Merry Christmas
- slitbunkers using 1x5's
- playing SourceForts from outer-space
- SourceForts frags
- Since some of you are complete morons
- I know you're trolling, but...
- Sourceforts installation guide NEEDED!
- Der the tard
- Confessions of a midfielder?
- Metal Gear Forts
- 1.9.2 server up for the curious and nostalgic
- Hais
- Hello
- MaxForce Gaming Sourceforts Scrim Map Making Contest!, August 1, 2009 to August 22, 2
- Pug channel ?
- Crosshair colour.
- no love 4 spam
- SF wiki
- Remember this?
- bBG 6v6 Server
- SourceForts
- Regarding the block menu showed on twitter
- what happend to the logos?
- yeah well...
- old player comin back, what the hell happened?
- What was your favorite SF version?
- kinda laughed
- Hello you bunch of pussies
- So what happened to 195?
- Why are crawl tunnels bad?
- rt- vs PUG video
- The game is dead...
- wild assumptions
- Best map for you!
- Twitter is Great
- where to rent a server
- So hey...
- This is WRONG !!!
- Source Forts Kickzazz
- Hello|Could I help here somehow?
- Post Showoff bunkers and Cannons
- vinyl
- What the hell happened to xenon?
- Mod Dead?
- TF2 Sourceforts Levels
- Need sf_tallgrass mapfile
- hey
- Lol Vinyl
- SF meetup this summer
- Just want install a server
- Skywalk: A SourceForts Frag Movie
- always on topic
- Poll.
- Scrolljumping: MADE EASY!
- steefers -____-
- How's SF?
- Oldfag Reunion
- Slice
- hand
- func_clip_vphysics
- Hi SourceForts...
- sup
- Greetings
- mentions SF (like 2 months ago)
- Soooo, anything happening with SourceForts?
- lol sphinx mountains...
- so guys
- wait, wat
- wtf kas, wtf
- Is Kbk the best capper on skywalk????
- Developers developers developers developers
- tr_russ
- Old player returning
- Oh my god....
- dude, sj
- Need help Sky Is Blurry
- Does nobody play 1.9.4?
- so I heard sf is dead?!
- How 2 work prebuilts
- Getting SourceForts
- RE: Steamtrack
- griefer
- A question for the dev team about changes in the latest version
- Xenon has monopolised Sourceforts.
- People still play this game...?
- So I haven't played in forever..
- Anyone care revising?
- How do you make base prefabs
- Good News!
- jakes life
- Same old
- Go vote you poos
- Praise Allah
- Our Dev Team's web designer
- Gigantic Igloo/Yurt
- Help
- Well hello there...
- Srs match was srs
- Oldfag Reunion
- Hitboxes
- Pro-Tips
- SF in TF2
- About that Christmas break
- Dana.
- so like
- =SO= SourceFort Ownage - NEW SERVER, RECRUITING!
- Movement guide
- Wow
- Questions
- Does anyone still play?
- Fucking classes!
- The Scoring System
- 2 flags per team?
- I really cried.
- a noobs observation
- So i noticed...
- Wiki Revival Project
- Jaek
- Oddjob
- What's wrong with 1941?
- TeamDeathmatch map
- Error?
- Digg the SourceForts v1.9.4 Release!
- Who still plays
- Scrolljumping, accepted use?
- russ plays scout in pubs
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