This seems an opportune time to suggest an entirely different approach to the "uberfort" question. The final solution to this question, if you will. Hardcoded block limits and the variable health approach both have flaws. There is but one approach which seems to have absolutely no negative consequences whatsoever.
To first put this plan into action, we require every SourceForts member with a genuine stake in the mod's future (oldfags, pros, etc.) to donate a sum of money (in British pounds sterling, for efficiency). We must entrust these gathered funds to one member of our community, preferably not an asshat but must be trustworthy and once again, have a stake in our mod, for "Those entrusted with arms... should be persons of some substance and stake in the country" (William Windham).
What this person does next is the most critical part of the plan. We must use the money gathered to hire a very skilled hit-man whose task it will be to eliminate the man/woman/faggot residing in England under the alias "Xenon" (because if this guy is actually irl named after the noble gas, he is without a doubt Satan, and this plan is useless). This professional will be given the following options:
a) Use the irl perma-banhammer against Xenon.
b) Bring him to Draken's house, where he will be killed by (a) small penis(es).
c) Force him to live on the Bailiwick of Jersey, where it is impossible to host anything besides funny regional languages.
d) If the above three prove impossible, or Xenon cannot be found, there is one final alternative: kill everyone. This seems a daunting task, even for a trained hit-man, but by a few simple narrowing-downs, we can make this much easier. There are approximately 50 million inhabitants of England, which Xenon has specified as his residence. Of these 50 million, approximately 14.6% of these identified themselves as having "no religion". Since it can be assumed with some degree of accuracy that "no religion" is just a douchebag answer for "athiest", and since Xenon must both be godless and a douchebag, the 7.3 million people who answered this way must be eliminated. I estimate this provides an 87.3% chance of success, given that all 7.3 million are eliminated, down to the last man, woman, child, or faggot.
Originally Posted by Disturber
You're sure that's not a codpiece? It's just that it would make an awesome codpiece.

Originally Posted by FuzionMonkey (on Jan. 2 at 9:33 PM GMT-8)
Not voting because SF has done nothing all year.
Last edited by DarkLightA; 04-15-2009 at 09:25 PM.