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Old 10-24-2008
Join Date: Oct 2008
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Thumbs down Scrolljumping, accepted use?

Hi People,

Just re-started playing SF a couple days ago, and have tried getting more people at at LAN i'm at interested in the game.

So, we just played for a couple of hours on a pub server, and encountered what I have found out is called scrolljumping.

I just wanted to know, is this an accepted thing to do while playing SF?

It seems to me that it is a bug in the HL engine that allows this behaviour (and this, by definition, must be an exploit), but I was told by the players who performed it, that it was allowed and allround accepted to use in SF play.

After searching the forums, I haven't found anything conclusive, so i'm asking instead, is scrolljumping legal?

And if so, is it just because the devs havent been able to remove it or limit its usage, or because they feel it adds to the game.

And if its the latter, why haven't it been assigned a key in the bind menu, and explained in the manual?
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Old 10-24-2008
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its a technique that not many people can do
so usually more skilled players use it
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Old 10-24-2008
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It is considered entirely acceptable in a competitive environment and, although each server does have its own rules, it's allowed just about everywhere.

It is a source engine glitch, but it's become so much a part of the game that the devs have left it in. There has been a great deal of debate on the matter, but the general stance is that, while it is an exploit, it does not unbalance the game, and is therefore worth turning into a feature.

The reason it isn't a bind is because it can only be done with the scroll wheel, and new players generally assign that to changing weapons. If you play with any competitive players, you'll learn it quickly enough anyway, so not having it bound isn't a major issue.
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Old 10-24-2008
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add this to the auto exec thingy.

alias scrolljump "scrolljump_on"
alias scrolljump_on "bind mwheelup +jump; bind mwheeldown +jump; bind mouse3 scrolljump_off"
alias scrolljump_off bind "MWHEELDOWN invnext; bind mWHEELUP invprev; bind mouse3 scrolljump_on"
bind "mouse3" "scrolljump"

I changed the "mouse3" to Q, so i can toggle between having scroll wheel to select weapons or perform a scroll jump.

Also it seems to be accepted in most servers, I'm still getting the hang of it myself, you will learn speeds of the scrolls over time. It works with you walking/running up a slope and scrolling the mouse wheel slow/fast, makes you jump a little higher. Also duck while doing it.
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Last edited by 013109; 10-24-2008 at 05:29 AM.
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Old 10-24-2008
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yeah, definitely accepted as a technique in sourceforts. it adds depth to the game, and is a very large part in sourceforts trickumping/capping.

oh. how2scrolljump?
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Old 10-24-2008
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rocketspaming on the other hand isnt accepted practice.
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Old 10-24-2008
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Originally Posted by arenaceous View Post
rocketspaming on the other hand isnt accepted practice.

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Old 10-24-2008
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I don't know what the thread-hijack attempt is all about, but lets leave it at that, shall we?

To follow up on the scrolljumping "technique", let me say that it makes me sad to hear this.

Having experienced what major impact this can have on a game, I find it very curious that it is something that is reserved for "elite" players, and that it isn't thoroughly explained in the docs, and that the mod doesn't ship with binds for it "out of the box" (I don't know if it is even possible to use scrolljumping consistently from a bind, reports are a bit sketchy)

Being a new player of SF (I tried it for a very short time a year or so ago), I can't help but feel that scrolljumping was an extremely unfair practise, especially so because I had no idea what was going on, other than some guys running around, and jumping over barricades that I no chance of jumping over.

Its only because, after asking a couple of times, someone told me what was going on, otherwise I would have been completely in the dark.

What i'm meaning to say, seeing that scrolljumping is allowed, it should be made a LOT! more visible that it is, and also how to do it, else new players will just feel like they are being cheated, and will not give SF a second chance.

My personal opinion, if anyone would want to hear it, is that it should be removed, or, be restricted to a given class, which should then be balanced around it (like the scout in TF2)
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Old 10-24-2008
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no it is not
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Old 10-24-2008
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Scrolljumping, yes.

proof sol said it
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