So SF 195 is almost near the state of SF 1941, but it's missing a few things.
Most notable are that:
A) The grav guns suck in 195
B) All that spectator killing stuff that was fixed in 1941 isn't fixed in 195
Anyway, just need some help porting that stuff over, so if you know some code and are good and stuff, be 'liek yo i can does'.
Then I need a:
Graphic Artist
Texture Artist
Sound Artist
Pro, awesome, amazing, Game Designer
I'm gonna ask on moddb and interlopers soon
There's lots of crap in the code (ie. SF 132 gamemode and SF194 maps almost work), but it's all disabled. I'll also release the entity list for SF 195 soon.
Anyway, I was gonna make a screencast of the game, but i can't find a program that doesn't crash 4234234 times, so I decided to just package the game into a .rar.
It needs an Orange Box game (Source SDK Base 2007) and Half-Life 2 Deathmatch.
Ignore the ugly hud, crosshairs, bugs, lack of polish, etc and be kind please!