Originally Posted by arenaceous
are toggleable disposers working?
See Flare's method in fieldtrip two.
Originally Posted by arenaceous
you guys need to have a big media thing for the dev section so we can hear wtf is going on. you guys also need to update sf/the fgd so it only uses the new blocks and not the old ones for the view models in hammer. re: red would be skin 0 instead of 3 and blue would be 6 instead of 2. that way you could save a bit of weight on sf
I would help do that, if I actually gave a shit about SF any more. Completely wasted my time making stuff like that example map, so call me if this mod ever goes any where again, then I'll think about helping out. Put enough time into something, to see or play fuck all in return. I know what you're talking about though, that fgd was seriously half assed who ever made it.
Originally Posted by computeraddict_ressurect
Bear in mind that I haven't mapped since 192. Also disposers would be bad b/c you don't want to penalize people for accidentally clipping the flag zone with a block, just prevent them from putting one in.
We seem to be at a misunderstanding here.
I was talking about having a physics clip, set up with filters to only prevent blocks getting into the flag area in the
build phase, say eight units thick per side. Then inside of that hollowed out cage, you have a block removing disposer (Obviously the trigger brush would be a couple of units smaller than the clip cage.) which turns off in the
combat phase. People can try to build in the flag cage during combat, won't work during build phase though. I honestly doubt you'd have enough time to construct an entire flag d from scratch, in the size of the maps 1.9.X has.
Just a thought.