•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: damn we are dead.
Moth: wtf?
(TEAM) mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: kill the sniper
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: my sniper isnt working..
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: !noclip mattsoncrack
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: wer are you?
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: !noclip mattsoncrack
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: !noclip mattsoncrack
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: !noclip mattsoncrack
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: matt
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: no cheating!
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: were are you?
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: !noclip mattsoncrack
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: !noclip mattsoncrack
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: !noclip mattsoncrack
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: shoot
Mr.Helland: !noclip Mr.Helland
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: shoot
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: lemem see you shoot!
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: !noclip mattsoncrack
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: !noclip mattsoncrack
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: oh
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: working?
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: ...
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: stupid grenades..
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: get over here and fight!
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: no nadespam
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: No nade spam!
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: it annoys me
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: when noobs do that
Peapod: It's not spam when you're aiming.
Peapod: And careful throwing around the N-bomb
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: NOT ENIGNEER
Peapod: When you haven't looked at yourself.
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: nbom]
Peapod: The very fact that you offer combat rocketeer as an alternative.
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: grenades = throw
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: if you want to do that
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: Go to xenon
Peapod: Rockets = no thank you
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: they broke thru
Peapod: You should try it
Peapod: It's a valued skill
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: what/
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: the grenade thing
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: FUCK NO
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: im not a noob
Peapod: Lul
Peapod: Yes you are.
Peapod: I'm afraid
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: say it again
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: 
Peapod: AND KICK
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: i dont think your dumb enough to get permed from all xenon servers
Peapod: I used to admin for Xenon
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: sure you did
Peapod: Of course, you won't know DiGiS.
Peapod: Thank you for coming at the gravnading engi with a soldier, Moth.
Peapod: My opinion of you raised some points.
Moth: i'm trying to learn
Peapod: I could teach you a few bits and pieces at some point, if you'd like.
Moth: yeah that'd be great
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: im gona work on the server.
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: matt
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: Can I ad the ranks of admin
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: super
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: full
Peapod: Hit me on Steam at some point in the next few days.
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: basic
Peapod: PeapodEchoes
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: !permabanne
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: !permabann pea
Peapod: It's !ban Pea 0
Peapod: For reference.
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: lool
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: i know
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: XD]
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: im the owner
Peapod: I'm aware of that.
Console: Peapod has is now an admin! Just kidding!
Peapod: Really, I could teach you a few admin funtricks too.
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: nothanks
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: I think he wants to be an admin
Peapod: Meh, suit yourself.
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: you gotta pay for it!
mattsoncrack |ø| bbG: X
Peapod: I wouldn't volunteer for this one
[KMaD] [3L!X!R]: how can i change the amount of blocks? the block limit?
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: I can
Peapod: sf_team_blocklimit #
Peapod: On the LAN console
[KMaD] [3L!X!R]: TY =)
Peapod: No worries.
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: kmad
•╟╢yperion • |¥| bbG: it wont work here..
[KMaD] [3L!X!R]: TY =)
Peapod: He mentioned LAN servers earlier.
Console: Peapod has is now an admin! Just kidding!
Peapod: He just wasn't paying attention to my response.
Peapod: Do an !hsay
Console: Join our community online @ bloodboundgamers.co.nr
Console: Join our community online @ bloodboundgamers.co.nr
The server smells of faggot. New ZD anyone?
tl;dr - He's a faggot, make him QQ.