



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
Old 11-18-2008
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Default a noobs observation

I like the game its an interesting idea only played like 2 matches would of played more but admins/community ruin this game.

My first thought is blocks seem to last way to long and 90% of the game is building

Now back to my original point I was playing this game for the first time yesterday the first round was fun good concept cant really destroy the walls so it just appears to be build ways around the walls.

That round ended then these clan folk came in (zen death) and immediately the game stopped being fun.

Exhibit A. I wasnt allowed to build anything if i tried some jerkoff took it apart. So what, I have to build what they want me to build? I wanted a wall at a choke point that seemed reasonable but it kept getting torn down. So... now 90% of the game is waiting for the battle phase. Its not like we were near our block limit. The wall wasnt pretty but would of been effective (cant get through). I continue to try and build a bypass for a choke point that gets torn down then i get banned for being a "griefer" what ever that means? I would like to deploy my own strategy but not allowed hence no point in playing the game.

exhibit B. On the only other populated server "500 block limit" and some dick weed is yelling at me for "wasting blocks" because I am building a sky ramp. ITS a 500 LIMIT seriously backoff. This is what I mean when i say the community ruins this game. you have to build a perfect and pretty super long wall or your "wasting blocks"

exhibit C. map vote comes changes the level. Admin sets limit to 500 blocks and build time is 30 minutes. I enjoy building the forts but at 500 units you make the game pointless the other side is wall after wall. battle lasted 10 minutes which you cant begin to destroy 50 blocks let alone 500 in that time.

and I am done with the game

cant build what you want with out people interfering because their ideas are the best even though they haven't seen yours. Then there is so much admin abuse on the few servers that have people they are killing off the gaming experience for everyone that isnt in their crowd of buddies.

My suggestions: give block limits to individual players not the entire team. Also build privileges to individual players. Just as i cant move the opposite teams blocks my teammates shouldn't be able to move mine. Lastly make blocks die 50 % faster when it takes 20? rockets to take one down a piece that's absurd the game goes no where fast.

Good game idea but its ruined by a couple of power abusive jerkoffs.
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Old 11-18-2008
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You are the best new user to join this forum, and hopefully our redesigns for version 2 will help address every single one of those issues.

Finally, someone who GETS it.
fljo: this game sucsk and kukshna/khuskan thinks he to good since he a [dev[
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Old 11-18-2008
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Milk plx
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Old 11-18-2008
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please don't go

best new player in years

btw there once was a time when plenty of servers had 30-50 block limits and much shorter build times.
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Old 11-18-2008
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You are my new best friend. In all honesty, you want to avoid this place until SF2 is out. Right now, it's just terrible.
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Old 11-18-2008
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Try playing a pick up game with the old timers.
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Old 11-18-2008
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You have experienced an uber fort server
too many blocks

but seriously you are one of the best new players you get what its about.

sorry for the way our community has become.
im hoping that everything will change when SF2 comes out
Developer for Overload
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Old 11-18-2008
pew, pewPEW
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Uberforts of that scale do suck, and when folks come in and not let you build, it's even worse.

I suggest you try out Standard servers, might have to wait a bit but people will join you, there's less build time and less blocks.
Never, ever, click.
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Old 11-18-2008
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Originally Posted by Milkman View Post
I like the game its an interesting idea only played like 2 matches would of played more but admins/community ruin this game.

My first thought is blocks seem to last way to long and 90% of the game is building

Now back to my original point I was playing this game for the first time yesterday the first round was fun good concept cant really destroy the walls so it just appears to be build ways around the walls.

That round ended then these clan folk came in (zen death) and immediately the game stopped being fun.

Exhibit A. I wasnt allowed to build anything if i tried some jerkoff took it apart. So what, I have to build what they want me to build? I wanted a wall at a choke point that seemed reasonable but it kept getting torn down. So... now 90% of the game is waiting for the battle phase. Its not like we were near our block limit. The wall wasnt pretty but would of been effective (cant get through). I continue to try and build a bypass for a choke point that gets torn down then i get banned for being a "griefer" what ever that means? I would like to deploy my own strategy but not allowed hence no point in playing the game.

exhibit B. On the only other populated server "500 block limit" and some dick weed is yelling at me for "wasting blocks" because I am building a sky ramp. ITS a 500 LIMIT seriously backoff. This is what I mean when i say the community ruins this game. you have to build a perfect and pretty super long wall or your "wasting blocks"

exhibit C. map vote comes changes the level. Admin sets limit to 500 blocks and build time is 30 minutes. I enjoy building the forts but at 500 units you make the game pointless the other side is wall after wall. battle lasted 10 minutes which you cant begin to destroy 50 blocks let alone 500 in that time.

and I am done with the game

cant build what you want with out people interfering because their ideas are the best even though they haven't seen yours. Then there is so much admin abuse on the few servers that have people they are killing off the gaming experience for everyone that isnt in their crowd of buddies.

My suggestions: give block limits to individual players not the entire team. Also build privileges to individual players. Just as i cant move the opposite teams blocks my teammates shouldn't be able to move mine. Lastly make blocks die 50 % faster when it takes 20? rockets to take one down a piece that's absurd the game goes no where fast.

Good game idea but its ruined by a couple of power abusive jerkoffs.
Hi my name's Black, I also hate Uberfort servers for those exact reasons.

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Old 11-18-2008
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what server did u played? xenon's uberforts?
go play on the MaxForce server, or on TheFinest one>\

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Shubu: I heard you own sf now
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az saves sf again
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