Sigh... I give up.
For fucks sake why can't people stop being such fucking assholes and start being nicer to newer players? I always try to be as polite and pleasent as possible to newer players, and I help them out as much as i can. I've done my best for over a year now, trying to grow, trying to become somewhat known. Hell, I even donated 20 euros towards development. It feels like such a waste. 1200 hours of gametime and I have gotten nowhere.
I thought that after over a year, I finally had made it into the tight circle of the SF community as I had befriended many people concidered as "oldfags", but it is now evident to me that I was clearly mistaken. Wherever I go I am faced with utter hostility and am generally unaccepted. This is what killed SF. Not uberforts. This.
I give up.
Jesus: me and your dad are gna go live in africe together
Calsendon: There are plenty of monkeys there already, why bother bringing you