



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
Old 12-01-2008
pew, pewPEW
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Default Fucking classes!


Xenon has the rocketeer percentage on Mega and Uber server at 30%.

That means,
A 7v7 game, 2 (2.1) rocketeers a game.
A 4v4 game 1 (1.2) rocketeers a game.

Yeah, make sense?
No. You guys make the game so it fucking rounds up. On the 7v7 there was 3 rocketeers, and on the 4v4 there was 2. It really fucked up the game.

Also the argument I have about the AR2. It's an overpowered killwhore machine, it's overpowered, way overpowered. You guys claim it takes skill to master, but come on. 194, it kind of fails when it comes to appealing to new players, cause they're either matched by griefing, killwhoring, or getting abused for not being able to repair the base. The only people that play now-a-days are the half-newfag half-oldfags. They all know how to shoot AR2 effectively and killwhore, they all know how to gravnade, they all know how to rocketwhore. I'll be honest, I can't AR2 at all, but that's cause I've always hated that gun and never bothered trying to use it.

For 194 you guys said the classes will be more equal. Yeah.
In scrims you guys NEVER let anybody play anything other than Soldier and Engineer. Why? Because AR2 = overpowered killwhore machine. Engineers = gravnading.
Theres 5 fucking classes, use them.

The grenades aswell, they're another thing that you guys have insisted to include because you all love the gravnade. The grenades ruin the game aswell, I'll admit, in reality if you got grenaded your fucked, but also in reality, a getting shot by a submachine gun (Scout) would probably kill you pretty fast too. The grenades are too overpowered to be used in conjunction with the gravity gun.

You guys know what I'm saying is true, because you guys have actually given up on 19x, and don't argue you haven't, because you're looking for a new dev team for 19x. Why? Because you all want to work on 2.0.

2.0, thinking about it, I don't like the idea's behind it. Block + block = doubleblock. Block + block + block = SUPERBLOCK!!11!ELEVEN!

anyway, the point of this post to tell all you to get off your asses and fix the fuckup that is Sourceforts. - 2.0 is a completely different idea to what we have now, it shouldn't be classed as SF.

I suggest you guys, if you don't want to develop it, give it to more sensible people and get completely away from its development. Instead of looking over its shoulder making the final descisions

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Old 12-01-2008
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Originally Posted by Sayyan View Post
1.9.4's Future
We're currently looking to set up a small team of C++ developers to work on the 1.9.4 codebase and produce official patches over time to ensure 1.9.4 remains a viable alternative while we steam ahead with the next major version of SourceForts.

The application criteria won't be as stringent as those to join the main programming team, however I have to warn anyone interested in joining that the code itself is an extremely complex beast. There has never really been a proper design for the code and the words "modular" and "encapsulated" could certainly not be used to describe it.

If you are interested in the challenge however, please send an email to with the subject "1.9.4 Development Team". Please include details on your experience with C-like languages, C++ and the Source SDK. All applicants will be considered, regardless of your involvement with game politics.
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Old 12-01-2008
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You're a complete moron. You basically just told the devs everything they have already stated and addressed very reasonably.
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Old 12-01-2008
pew, pewPEW
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Default I predicted it.


I predicted you faggots would delete it, posted that you would on xen forums..

I I believe my words were "I know them fuckers will cry about it being so true, then delete it."

I bet it was Blackfag
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Last edited by OCBpLayer; 12-01-2008 at 07:50 PM.
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Old 12-01-2008
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While i disagree with your deleted topic ocb, i must say that denying a person freedom of speech by deleting their posts is an great example of bad moderation
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Old 12-01-2008
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this is what I was about to post there:

I don't even know what you're on about with the rocketeers. That limit seems perfectly acceptable to me.

As for the solly and engy, the point of competitive play is to be the best team possible. The other three classes are simply not as effective in combat as the soldier and engineer, and so no one uses them. If you choose to use another class, then you are a detriment to the team you are on. I'd rather have a dedicated healer on my team than a combat-scout, since nearly anyone who plays competitively has no problems taking a scout down with a few shots to the head. If you're not willing to deal with that, that's your problem. You might as well complain that there isn't a spot for a dedicated engineer on a TF2 competitive team.

No one ever said the classes would be balanced in 194. They may have said they would be *better* balanced, such that the rocketeer couldn't rocketspam, but they absolutely never said that the classes would all be just as useful as any other in competitive play. In fact, I seem to recall that they said quite the opposite, that classes would remain basically the same aside from the rocketeer.

Getting rid of grenades in this situation would solve nothing, in fact, it would really make class selection worse, as the engineer would simply become useless as well in competitive play, leaving only the soldier as competitively viable.

We've opened up 19x development to that extent because we know there are people (such as yourself) who seem to think they have all the answers, and can do a better job than we can at fixing it. We want nothing more to do with it, and feel that we can provide a better game by abandoning it. If you are so confident that you can fix it, then you are more than welcome to apply to the 19x team, but if not, then fuck off, since we're not going to do it for you.

As for 2.0, you are the exact reason we release so little information to the public. We release something as a concept, then you take it as our end-all solution, and begin to bitch about it. Not only have to failed to explain why it's a bad idea (and there are ways, let me assure you), but we're already thinking about replacing it with something else, just as we said we might.

Many on the team feel that such misconceptions as these bring so much harm to the mod that it's worth not releasing anything at all to prevent it. For those of you who do want such information, I suggest you start going off on him for proving their point. I admit, I honestly thought no one could be so stupid, given how many times the devs said it wasn't the final concept, and that it could be changed, but apparently I was wrong.

OCB: As I said, if you think you know what's wrong with the mod better than we do, you are perfectly welcome to fix it yourself, but no amount of bitching and crying is going to get us to fix it.

And because I don't think I've made you look like enough of an idiot:
"Instead of looking over its shoulder making the final descisions"
A sentence fragment? Seriously? I can understand spelling, but failing to put together a sentence is just sad.

For here: You're an idiot. Your post was uncalled for and completely ignorant. You bitched and moaned about us not working on 19x, when we've said time and time again that we believe it's a broken game, and that we do not want to waste our time working on it, when almost no one, including us, wants to play it. Your post was an insulting to the developers, and insulting to the community, and that is why it deserved to be deleted.

You've proven yourself ignorant of game design, yet you feel so inclined to whine about us not working hard enough. You've insulted the development team, you've insulted our moderators, and you've insulted our competitive player base. I'm going to be very surprised if you're not banned by the next time i read this thread.

Last edited by Oddjob; 12-01-2008 at 08:12 PM.
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Old 12-01-2008
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thread has been won by the fucking firestorm that is oj.
Originally Posted by mc_nebula View Post
Guys, Serious thread are serious business.
11:29 p.m. - ☢ AZgAg: did the fgd was moved?
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Old 12-01-2008
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Originally Posted by OCBpLayer View Post

I predicted you faggots would delete it, posted that you would on xen forums..

I I believe my words were "I know them fuckers will cry about it being so true, then delete it."

I bet it was Blackfag
^^ Actually I moved it to the Mod forums, so it can be decided what to do with you.

You have a bad habit of trying to get your points across using the most angry and vulgar way possible. Which obviously makes people less inclined to listen to you.

For example: "Get off your lazy asses Devs" implies we've done nothing at all to actually work towards this mod, fact is you don't know everything yet you still act like it.

/sidenote: I find it amusing that you treat new players on the Xenon forums like shit, saying "Gravnading is a valid tactic, get used to it it's legit." Yet you come here and start whining about it 24/7, make your mind up with your posts please.

Last edited by Black™; 12-01-2008 at 08:15 PM.
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Old 12-01-2008
pew, pewPEW
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I started my argument, raised my points.

My points got countered.

Then it gets closed before I can counter the points against me.

Wow, and you really do wonder why I post in such an angry mannor.

What I was going to post,

__________________________________________________ _____________

Originally Posted by Oddjob View Post
this is what I was about to post there:

1) I don't even know what you're on about with the rocketeers. That limit seems perfectly acceptable to me.

2) Getting rid of grenades in this situation would solve nothing, in fact, it would really make class selection worse, as the engineer would simply become useless as well in competitive play, leaving only the soldier as competitively viable.

3) We've opened up 19x development to that extent because we know there are people (such as yourself) who seem to think they have all the answers, and can do a better job than we can at fixing it.

4) As for 2.0, you are the exact reason we release so little information to the public. We release something as a concept, then you take it as our end-all solution, and begin to bitch about it. Not only have to failed to explain why it's a bad idea (and there are ways, let me assure you), but we're already thinking about replacing it with something else.

5) And because I don't think I've made you look like enough of an idiot:
"Instead of looking over its shoulder making the final descisions"
The 7v7 game I was in got ruined by 3 rocketeers all shooting away at the blocks and anybody that exited the base.

The engineer would become useless? That's exactly my point. The only reason the engineer is used in competitive is because it can throw an overpowered package of boom.
The fact it can unfreeze blocks, gah. that's not important is it.
also the fact that all I have is "idea's" to sort it out. Not the skills required to do so.

I was considering it, really. but I knew so would many other people here, and I can't think of anybody that see's the game from my perspective, with idea's on fixing it.

The reason I take what's released as what I think will be in the final release is because, that's whats been released, to the public. I don't see the point in releasing a whole essay worth of information to the userbase, then adding to the end, "Oh. this is just an idea, might not make it to the final".

Makes sense to me. :/
"Instead of" - "Instead of"
"looking over" - "looking over"
"its" - "the game"
"shoulder" - "shoulder"
"and making the final descision" - "and making the final descision"
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Old 12-01-2008
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about what thread are you all talking about if I may ask?
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