so today in a pug. i made a team rage cause of grav nading. and now mxf sever has a rule on there PUB sever just for me.
and kenny is going to or already did ban me cause of this pug.
here is part of the console.... i am " guythatkennyhates"
enigma#41: pub spamming is illegal yes?
enigma#41: and there noobs
enigma#41: thats how bad u are gunna
bacon. nait0r*: cba
enigma#41: u cunt
bacon. nait0r*: fuck you
bacon. nait0r*: raged again
iTYF? damage: kenny pls pls
enigma#41: BAN
iTYF? damage: nut ban just fill in
enigma#41: yes ban
guythatkennyhates: HAPPY
guythatkennyhates: FAGGOTS
enigma#41: YEAH
guythatkennyhates: btw
enigma#41: FUCKOFF
enigma#41: NOW
guythatkennyhates: posting this in forums
bacon. nait0r*: gogo
enigma#41: cool
Speck: whats this drama all about ?
iTYF? damage: not happy, damage is done now lol,
bacon. nait0r*: spamming
bacon. sk0rpz*: lawlawlawlawll
guythatkennyhates: i have never laughed so hard
iTYF? damage: you were off for 20 seconds
(TEAM) iTYF? Az.##: wow lol
enigma#41: no
enigma#41: gunnas a cunt
enigma#41: needs l2p
=MxF= Billbob: the spam was very bad
bacon. sk0rpz*: lol
guythatkennyhates: lolumad
enigma#41: l2p
(TEAM) =MxF= Mr. Whales: LOL RAPE SPAM
enigma#41: lol
bacon. sk0rpz*: all i could hear from whales was: spam! or more spam!
Speck: did damage rage again ?
iTYF? damage: huh?
bacon. nait0r*: nah i did
bacon. nait0r*: haha
bacon. nait0r*: yea man
bacon. nait0r*: 2 times
enigma#41: stfu gunna
enigma#41: go post on ur forums
iTYF? Az.##: lol
enigma#41: godoit
(TEAM) iTYF? Az.##: we had -11
enigma#41: we dont want u here
(TEAM) iTYF? Az.##: they should have like +2
enigma#41: cunt
(TEAM) bacon. sk0rpz*: wtf?
(TEAM) bacon. sk0rpz*: ramps
bacon. nait0r*: i was the mid
enigma#41: iwas the
enigma#41: getting spawnkilled
enigma#41: by some newnb
enigma#41: lol
iTYF? damage: lul wut
=MxF= Mr. Whales: STFU NIGGA
bacon. nait0r*: kenny's going to ban you after this pug gunna lol
enigma#41: COOL
I suck a lot: inb4ban
enigma#41: xenon doesnt ban gheys
enigma#41: he likes them
=MxF= Mr. Whales: he banned me
iTYF? Az.##: lol
=MxF= Mr. Whales: LaUgHiNg wHaLeS: ur not gonna ban gunna are u ẈҺФКї׀׀ḛđКḛŋŋצ: yeah i am
bacon. sk0rpz*: lol
guythatkennyhates: guythatkennyhates" STEAM_0:1:13363195"
guythatkennyhates: incase he cant find my steam id. cause kenny is slow
bacon. nait0r*: lold gunna
Speck: !ban @me 0
bacon. nait0r*: mexican humor
enigma#41: ADDTIME
enigma#41: now
iTYF? damage: addtime pls
iTYF? damage: I asked nicely :P
Speck: dont rage again damage
iTYF? damage: unlike fagut here
bacon. sk0rpz*: !addtime 30
enigma#41: add 5mins
iTYF? damage: k spec =] =]
enigma#41: ADDTIME
enigma#41: FOADS
bacon. sk0rpz*: !addtime 100
enigma#41: more
=MxF= Mode: !addtime 240
enigma#41: good
bacon. nait0r*: speck
bacon. nait0r*: blue
enigma#41: no
enigma#41: gunna
enigma#41: leave
Speck: lol no
bacon. nait0r*: gonna go to bed now bb
=MxF= Billbob: bb
bacon. sk0rpz*: nn
Speck: hau ab
iTYF? damage: gn
bacon. nait0r*: fresse
bacon. nait0r*: haha
Speck: sackgesicht
bacon. nait0r*: pisser
bacon. nait0r*: haha
Speck: stricher
bacon. nait0r*: klol
iTYF? Az.##: fail pug
(TEAM) bacon. sk0rpz*: plan = spam gunna
iTYF? Az.##: kk
iTYF? damage: /
iTYF? damage: =/
enigma#41: im talkin to a spec
iTYF? Az.##: and whales too plz
enigma#41: u faggot
Speck: i dont know who you are
(TEAM) =MxF= Billbob: ye?
enigma#41: lies
(TEAM) bacon. sk0rpz*: muuuuusic
(TEAM) =MxF= Billbob: spacer
=MxF= Billbob: is that you playing?
Speck: who is gunna
(TEAM) bacon. sk0rpz*: people will cry
guythatkennyhates: me
enigma#41: hes a cunt
enigma#41: spammer
bacon. sk0rpz*: speck blue
guythatkennyhates: ily2
Speck: well you are a cunt too and you used to spam alot too
enigma#41: lies
guythatkennyhates: lold
bacon. sk0rpz*: oooh
guythatkennyhates: so hard
enigma#41: inever spammed
bacon. sk0rpz*: comeback
Gunna-Spam: defonition of spam: shooting blind shots into the enemy's base
bacon. sk0rpz*: nades*
nvm: He wallhacks so its not spam

nvm: trustory
=MxF= Billbob suicided.
iTYF? Az.##: lol
enigma#41: billi
enigma#41: go red
enigma#41: gunna
=MxF= Billbob: no fair then
enigma#41: leave