Hello, I go under the name AlphaDog. I have been playing source forts 1.9.4 for the past 6 - 7 months. I saw it in steam and thought it would be a cool mod and I tryed it. I brought one of my friends, Delta Shark into the game to and he might come by on the forums if I can convince him.

I have been trying to get a dedicated server going, but have had much grief with my internet gateway. (Yes I am a internet security freak.) Delta though sometimes brings up his server on special occasions.
I have been playing Source Forts with Ravil who has taught me a lot about the game. I also am more of an uberforter than a competitive offense player, although I am giving that role more of a try as I continue to enjoy this mod.
I also play cs 1.6 cs:s dod:s hl2, hl2dm, portal, gm etc. etc. Plus, although this may disgust some of you I am also a heavy Sims 1, 2, 3 player.
Anyways, I wanted to become more involved in the SF community and thought I would drop by.