CA you are not very clever.
I'm ginger, and if I can dodge them without taking ANY damage, then so can you. You are just epically bad.
Originally, this post ended at that full stop up there, but whatever, you are just too amusing.
You can't gravnade from one spawn to another on skywalk. You can gravnade from where generally the wall goes to the end of the spawn ramp.
All that's happened here is you've gone and played in a pub, and played very badly and got hit by grav-nades a few times. Because you act the genius on the forums, you assume you must be awesome at the actual game, but infact this is not true. You are bad, and it makes you angry because your ego gets it dick sucked on here. All the retards on this forum are easy targets to unleash your knowledge on, but in game you are just a failure.
Nothing to see here people, just a kid whining about being bad at a computer game.
Last edited by Scatman; 01-07-2009 at 04:35 PM.