Hey all

I wanted to extend an invite to everyone who wanted to play some 1.9.2 ...
After seeing the poll on which version people preferred I got a little
nostalgic and requested some server space to be alloted for it.
We've had a good bit of fun the last few nights and I can't in good conscience
sit by and not share it with the sf community.
So yeah, feel free to pop in and play!
the I.P.:
the content:
-IF you are confused how to make it work: download the content and unzip it -
-then navigate to program files\steam\steamapps\sourcemods.
-personally, I like to move the existing (1.9.4) folder out of sourcemods,
-(some say you can rename it, but I haven't tried that)
-Then move the unzipped sourceforts folder into your
-program files\steam\steamapps\sourcemods folder.
-restart steam.
-Start sourceforts.
-click find servers and click the favorites tab.
-click add server and enter the I.P. address noted above
-click find games at this address.
-If you plan on playing more than once, click add server to favorites.
Hope some of you find this blast from the past as much fun as we have!
And thank you to the several generations of the dev team for a great mod.
oldfags be warned: some of the zdfags still have their panties in a knot,
I want everyone to be welcome, as I have no grudge against anyone here-
but it took me two and a half months to convince zd to wipe the banlist
and allow persons to be judged based on their merits and not on old drama
and certain people used that opportunity to rage our server and stir the poopstick.
that being said, certain individuals may be banned on sight this time.
Those persons likely don't care and prolly don't want to connect,
but please refrain from QQ'ing and dramaforting either on these forums or zd's kthx.
Game on!