To continue to keep the world of Sourceforts an ever-growing, ever-evolving community, its important to spur
creativity among its players and hard working creators. As such we are holding a map making contest to try
to find the next best scrimmage style map. We hope that you all are ready to take on the challenge. Of course
the first question is, whats the prize!?!
The winner of the contest will be awarded $50.00 via Paypal for their glorious victory. Other individual
prizes may be awarded as well, it all depends on how creative you get. In the event of a tie for first place,
the cash prize will be divided equally amongst the winners.
The contest itself will be held from August 1, 2009 to August 22, 2009. Please try to get all your
submissions in by August 22, as to not delay judging. Final judging will be held on August 29, 2009, but
judging time may vary based on the amount of contest submissions.
We will also be having a judge selection, to pick judges for the remaning open spots. Contestants of the map
making contest itself, obviously, will not be allowed to participate in the judge selection, and vice versa.
For details on applying to be a judge please see below the contest rules.
Good luck and have fun everyone, we are looking forward to seeing what you all will create.
MaxForce Gaming Sourceforts Scrim Map Contest Rules:
1. You must submit the .vmf and .bsp files, also no decompilation protection on the map. You are allowed to
submit only 1 map, and the submission is final. It cant be changed or updated later.
2. Edit's block spawner model may not be used.
3. Lighting must be used on the map, fullbright maps will be disqualified.
4. Player spawns must allow for 8 players comfortably.
5. All block shapes and sizes must be spawnable from block spawners.
6. 100% new and original maps only. Maps that have been previously released or used for any reason, may not be
entered. Rebuilds and remakes of existing maps may not be entered either.
7. Screenshots of the map must be included, no less than 4 screenshots and no more than 6.
8. Maps may not be 'floating' or 'sky maps'. They must be ground based maps with no fall off edges, or instant
death bottomless pits, no sf_skywalk.bsp types for example.
9. Contestants must have an active, usuable Paypal account to accept monetary prizes. You will not be asked
for any of your Paypal information unless you have won a prize, upon such we will ask you only the information
needed to deliver your prize.
10. Contestants must join the MaxForce Gaming Forums to submit entries. All entries to be made in the Contest Submissions Topic. Each contestant must submit their entry in their own thread titled in the following format:
[SMC] - Mapname - Contestant Name
Include your game name (no smurf names), your Sourceforts Forum name, your Steam ID, and your screenshots in
your post.
Please Email your REAL name, (eg. John "Killer" Smith), and a download link to the map, to the following
Email address:
Include the same title as your forum entry in the subject line.
Failure to provide, or use of false information are grounds for immediate and automatic disqualification.
DO NOT post a download link to your map in your forum entry, posting of a public link to the map will result
in immediate disqualification.
To apply for judge selection:
1. Applicants must join the MaxForce Gaming Forums to submit entries. All entries to be made in the Contest Submissions Topic. Each applicant must submit their information in the Judge Applcations thread.
2. In your post submit the following information: Your game name (no smurf names), your Sourceforts Forum
name, your Steam ID, and why you think you should be choosen to judge the contest.
Failure to provide, or use of false information are grounds for immediate and automatic disqualification.
By entering this contest or participating as a judge you agree to the following:
MaxForce Gaming reserves the right to release and/or modify the maps and matreials submitted to them for
this contest as they wish, the creator will still be credited for his/her submissions. MaxForce Gaming will
not and can not be held liable for any problems or events that may occur as a result of this contest or judge
selection, including but not limited to: copyright infringement, server problems, map problems, submission
problems, use of submission information, use of maps and materials acquired from this contest, and any other
situation to be named at a future time. MaxForce Gaming also reserves the right to change this agreement, and
the rules and regulations of the contest and judge selection at any time. In conclusion MaxForce Gaming
reserves to right to deny any entry or contestant, and to disqualify any entry or contestant, from the contest
or judge selection for any reason they see fit.