☃: http://sourcefortsmod.com/boards/showthread.php?t=13261
☃: tell stief i said gj
Zoc: I did the forum upgrade
Zoc: stieffers just posted on twitter
☃: OH
Zoc: it's like 6:40am here
Zoc: Im very tired
Zoc: btw, I have no clue why that changed in project tools
Zoc: I didnt touch there
☃: fix't my post
☃: did you push the big red button?
Zoc: the one with "self destruct"? not yet
Zoc: label*
☃: do itttt
Zoc: sorry, at this time, my english starts to get very sloppy
☃: come to america
Zoc: I am, in south america :P
☃: come to usa
Zoc: I should pay a visit there on january/2010
☃: where
Zoc: probably on miami, where lives the only person I know in RL around there
☃: come up to minnesota
☃: do you knoww hat snow is
☃: know what*
Zoc: I know what is, never saw it :P
☃: come to minnesota
☃: furthest northern state in USA
☃: we have snow
☃: you'll love it
Zoc: I love beaches actually
Zoc: and the women around here that use very small bikinis
Zoc: lol
☃: http://randsco.com/_img/blog/0804/cedar_snow01.jpg
☃: that's what we're seeing right now
☃: except on the side roads, more ice
Zoc: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rio_de_Janeiro pics from where I live
☃: want to trade?
☃: for a month or 12
Zoc: do girls get almost naked around there almost the entire year ?
☃: half?
Zoc: http://www.copacabana.info/images/girls.jpg this is what we see here almost the entire year :P
Zoc: I may build a snow guy someday... maybe on a week on vacation
☃: well
☃: they look like that half the year
☃: other half: http://minnesota.publicradio.org/col...p_hockey_1.jpg
Sooo.. Quick comparison:
Rio de Janeiro:
Which one would you choose?
Never let the children compete with adults. When the child eventually loses, they will play pranks as much as he/she can against the adult.