News Recap

9 days ago

This week there are some big and small stories. I'm not adding the weekend deals anymore because I'm planning to make a separate post every Friday evening with some more places where you can get some good deals.

Hot News

Infinity Ward temporary removed the map “Favela” from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 due to complaints from the Islamic gaming community. In that map there was a picture frame with a quote from Mohammed. This frame was hanging above a toilet and for the Islam it's forbidden to say anything about the Islam religion in bathrooms - "a disrespectful place". They forced Infinity Ward to take action or they would boycott all their future upcoming product. The texture is by now removed from the game.

Personally, you can't really expect an American video games artist who speaks only English to be able to differentiate Arabic from a pattern, hell if I saw that I would imagine that it was a badly drawn glazed frame. ~ Matuka

Other game news

Team Fortress 2 - Man vs Machine is getting it's first major update and is of course completely free. It adds two new tours, new loot and has a improved matchmaking system.

Valve needs your help, they are searching for playtesters for both released and unreleased versions of their games as well as play around with some of the hardware prototypes. Make sure to fill in the survey if you live in or around Seattle/Bellevue area.

The release of the new Mechromancer class for Borderlands 2 was a nice surprise, she came a week earlier then announced. And to stay with Borderlands 2 they also announced that next week - October 16 is the day when the new dlc expansion comes out, and it’s all about pirates.

Some Crysis 3 multiplayer gameplay has been released with some exciting details behind Hunter Mode, Crash Site and the NY Feed.

Riot Games is one happy company with more then 70 million registered players and an amazing 32 million active players. Check the full detail here.

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  • Kosai106's Levels
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    Posted by Haunting

    I never said, 'every other game after that copies it.' I mostly meant they took DayZ's name. I don't recall War Z ever being spoken about before Day Z was. I think Day Z was announced well before War Z was. And they say "Oh it's a coincidence, they took our name and nobody knew it, we had this name first." They have no proof.

    The name comes from the book, The War Z by Max Brooks, which was released years before DayZ.

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    Posted by IppE

    Posted by Haunting

    The War Z is just a ripoff of DayZ in my opinion.. :\

    Except The War Z was already being made when DayZ came out.

    Zombie apocalypse is a hardly original concept by any means, but just because DayZ happens to be the popular game now, doesn't mean every other zombie game after that copies it.

    I never said, 'every other game after that copies it.' I mostly meant they took DayZ's name. I don't recall War Z ever being spoken about before Day Z was. I think Day Z was announced well before War Z was. And they say "Oh it's a coincidence, they took our name and nobody knew it, we had this name first." They have no proof.

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    Posted by Haunting

    The War Z is just a ripoff of DayZ in my opinion.. :\

    Except The War Z was already being made when DayZ came out.

    Zombie apocalypse is a hardly original concept by any means, but just because DayZ happens to be the popular game now, doesn't mean every other zombie game after that copies it.

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    I'm not insane.
  • Haunting's Levels
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    Posted by Poi$on

    Posted by Anonymous

    Honestly, I look at almost all of the news articles posted here on GameBanana. However, it bugs me so much when I see you post one, Poi$on. You either rush through the articles or you are not yet familiar with proper English spelling and grammar. It's sad to see someone with such improper form to be writing news articles regularly on a professional gaming website.

    This needs to change one way or another.

    I'm covering 90% of the news posted on this website and all of my articles are complete with more then one paragraph in it. Something whats really important is that the articles get a lot of views and comments and just looking at some of my articles I think this is going great.

    The War Z - Everything you want to know : 2,060 views | 9 posts
    DICE throws with bans... : 1,346 views | 30 posts
    Modern Warfare 2 map temporarily removed : 955 views | 51 posts

    If you don't like the way I write you should first show yourself if you give a opinion like yours and second you can always apply to write the news yourself. I never had any complaints about my articles for 7 months now.

    The War Z is just a ripoff of DayZ in my opinion.. :\

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  • Heduxz's Levels
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    Another great article Poi$on!

    Just ignore that troll. Looks like he just want to start stupid drama while hiding behind anonymity.

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  • Win-Zip's Levels
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    Man vs Machine is getting his first major update

    Should be "its".

    Valve needs your help, their searching for playtesters

    Should be "they're".

    • Thanks x 1
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    Skin to Bone, Steel to Rust.
