Do you have time to spare for Uv mapping old friend?
check out my latest WIP the M40a1 sniper rifle. I need it uv mapped once im done with it
Do you have time to spare for Uv mapping old friend?
check out my latest WIP the M40a1 sniper rifle. I need it uv mapped once im done with it
How do you make those cool release images?
Hey Sandman!
I got a request for a gun. Ive recently been 1 week in the military. We used the M95. Awesome weapon but old and the military (where i was) now use M10 (if i remember correctly)
If you want. Could you then make the M95?
Left side of gun Your text to link here...
Right side of gun Your text to link here...
Make the F2000 model if it is not difficult for you, please...
Add me on steam please: Hydraslaught
Your ACR... is on main page now lol
Can I have a favor?
Go on steam.
I already sent it while ago to other mates for texturing and animating. When it will be released as a skin, i'll place it at the model section.