
MachineFloor is an online content publisher dedicated to developing fun and intuitive websites for gamers, concept artists and other niche audiences.

Our website brands strive to be unique, highly accessible and meticulously organized and work constantly to remain relevant and state-of-the-art.

By following these principles Machinefloor has carved successful niches on the Internet and continues to entertain thousands of web users daily.


  • GameBanana (gamebanana.com)

    Targeting gamers and game developers, GameBanana is the largest website on the Internet specifically covering action video games for PC and receives millions of views daily.

  • ProCSSor (procssor.com)

    A CSS minifier and prettifier for CSS designers.

  • DevRef (devref.com) (Q3 2012)

    A unified online resource for web developers.

  • DesRef (desref.com) (Q3 2012)

    A unified online resource for web designers.

  • NixRef (nixref.com) (Q3 2012)

    A unified online resource for server admins.

  • CodeSandbox (codesandbox.com) (Q3 2012)

    An interactive code manual allowing demonstrations of each function in a language.

  • Acronator (acronator.com) (Q3 2012)

    The ultimate Science Fiction Acronym Generator for writers, game designers and anyone else who needs to invent crazy science terms!

  • ArtFuturist (artfuturist.com) (Q1 2013)

    As an online portfolio, sketchbook and thinktank for futuristic concept artists, ArtFuturist aims to exploit a targetted niche in the online art world.

  • GreenGamers (greengamers.com) (Q2 2013)

    An online initiative to educate video gamers about power efficient computer usage and environmentally-conscious hardware purchasing choices with the eventual goal of regular computer hardware reviews with a focus on their energy efficiency, reliability and longevity rather than their performance and price.


  • Luke – Our Captain

    Luke’s the one steering our ship. Day in and day out he steers, taking us in to the light and into and through the darkness. During hurricanes he wears a yellow poncho.

  • George – Our Paladin

    George is a lot of things: our Eye in the Sky; our Protector; that guy who knows what every button does. He keeps our Communities in check.

  • Jon – Our Sage

    Jonny’s the guy with the flashlight that everybody hides behind. He’s Gandalf pondering which path to take. Without him, we’d be devoured by goblins. He’s also got a loudspeaker.

  • Logan – Our Conjurer

    Nobody draws a crowd like Logan – he’s the guy putting the meat on the bones. We hate that analogy but it’s pretty accurate. Content is King therefore Logan is whatever creates Kings.

  • Tom – Our Carpenter

    Tom is a strange hybrid of creative guy and code guy. Somehow he’s got footholds in two different worlds to develop our sites and technologies.

  • The Helpers

    We also have some great guys helping us out in their spare time – Kevin Østerkilde, Nick Hariri, Hans Palm, Owe-Andre Spjell, Jonathan Jones and Michael Lauwereys.


  • Address

    Machinefloor Inc.
    256 Grand St. Floor 2
    Brooklyn, NY 11211

  • Email


  • Phone

    (347) 470 1020