For the 3% of the site visiting from the great white north, I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving holiday weekend with family! Enough about delicious turkey, gravy, and bacon: lets talk Banana.
CS:GO modders will notice later this week that they're receiving quite a few more points than normal -- double in fact. Even more games in the future will get these short-term promotional bonus points so keep an eye out for updates on that! Other bonuses give Bananite Veterans points for returning every 24 hours to check up on the latest developments. This is tied into your account age so it only gets better with time -- like wine!
Website developers or just codemonkeys in general may enjoy some of the updates to our GITHUB page. A look at things we've currently got onsite, some planned items and other neat stuff in general. I'm still waiting to have someone use the API in such a way as to blow our socks off and maybe even get something from us in return!
Also, remember way back when we talked about the possibility of overlaying your critiques directly on a WiP screenshot? Well, that's still in the works and tom put some time into that feature last week so it hasn't been forgotten. As with all things, these things take time. There are just so many great ideas to work on that it gets hard to decide which should get focused on week to week.
Job Applications 
I've been going over some of the job applications that I was flooded with while I was away this weekend; quite a few gems in my pile of emails! Working hard on getting to as many folks tonight as I can but a large portion of you will not hear from me for a few days. I should have an intern do this for me...hmmm...perhaps a coffee too.
By all means, if you've STILL not taken a look at our job board there is still plenty of work available both here and elsewhere!
Ideas and Opinions
10 Days Left!!!
The CS:GO Skinning contest is drawing to it's final conclusion! Best to get everything in working order for the weekend; that way, last minute changes don't result in an outright forfeiture due to not submitting even an earlier version of your work.
The Twisted Reality Mapping contest still has plenty of time yet (27 Days), but you don't want to put it off too long and scramble at the last minute either. Some great looking WiP's are already being shown off from our more gung ho mappers.

Developers Hub
Aside from contest works, there are still plenty of other projects on the go you should take a quick look at:

Skin of the Week - DigitaxF3AR's Skin pack by DigitaxF3AR.
Change up your TF2 game with this re-tweaked scheme for all the player classes!
Map of the Week - de_cambodia_b5 by rockmanexex
Rumble in the Jungle: A great looking CS:GO map is almost finished!
Texture of the Week - FFXII Floor Textures by Rafael De Jongh
A request by TheDoctorLives for a couple of FFXII Looking Floor Textures.
Last Word
If gamebanana had holidays, what would they be about and what should we call them?
I'll throw all the ideas into a poll next week and hand out a prize to the person or persons with the most votes by the weeks end.