News Recap

15 days ago

Here I'm back with the news recap, a little later then normal but we are planning to add some more things to this in the future, like mods and game releases together with some good weekend deals.

Hot News

Games, games and games that's what Steam is all about right? Not anymore, Valve launched their new store where you can get all kinds of software. Currently you can get utility, development, and benchmarking tools like 3DMark Vantage. The store has a limited amount of software at the moment but this will expand much more over time.

Currently the software that they're selling is not all to bad but ain't good either, but yea it's just live so I wonder what the future will bring us! ~ Rafael De Jongh

A lot of buzz around Battlefield 3 the last few days, apparently they are permanently banning people for using a color tweak that a few players made. DICE is not happy with it: “Too colorful. Also, I wouldn't use those hacks if you don’t want a permanent ban on your account. FYI warning.”

This is pretty awful. There is nothing wrong with making a game better to those who want it 'better' in their own stand point. ~ KiLlEr10312

Other game news

With more then 1 million players registered for the closed beta for The War Z it’s time to get your copy of the game and enter the closed beta or even the alpha. If you pre-order you also get 35% off.

If you want to know almost every detail about the game as it is now take a look at my news article.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive came with a brand new update that changes the matchmaking system completely and brings two new maps to the game.

Cliff Bleszinski, the design director of Gears of War leaves Epic Games for a much-needed and deserved break. “We are grateful for all of his hard work, and remain committed to making our fans happy and to always raising the bar in everything we do at Epic”.

SimCity released a nine minute gameplay video showing of the strategies in their new SimCity game that is scheduled to release February 2013 for PC.

EVE Online is coming with their 18th free expansion on December 4, 2012. EVE Online: Retribution did a complete rework of the bounty system, new ships and balancing work.

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  • kin37ik's Levels
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    the last CS:GO update was alright, im quite disapointed at the fact that you can be 1 shot killed by being shot in the foot from an AWP, and the fact that shotguns were kinda nerfed, it's caused people to just play all day long with the AWP and just camp so.....yeah, ill wait till camper-strike has another update because it's a bit rediculous atm.

  • Win-Zip's Levels
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    that's where Steam is all about
    permanently banning the people

    Should be "what", and remove the "the".

    • Thanks x 1
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    Skin to Bone, Steel to Rust.
  • Poi$on's Levels
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    Posted by KiLlEr10312

    Wow, i'm shocked I got on the news. Thanks for adding it in Poi$on.

    Lol, np ^^

    - News Manager -
  • KiLlEr10312's Levels
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    Wow, i'm shocked I got on the news. Thanks for adding it in Poi$on.

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