Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to GameBanana!
Here you can find answers to the most common questions about how the site works.

Table of Contents:






How do I register?

Creating an account at GameBanana is very simple. All you need is a username, a valid email (as you will need to confirm your account) and a password. Click here to access the registration form. Registration is free and offers a wide variety of features, including:

  • Posting new submissions
  • Replying to other peoples' submissions
  • Editing your posts
  • Receiving email notification of things you specify
  • Sending private messages to other members

And many more!

How do I log-in?

In order to log-in to the site, you will need to know your user account name and password. Simply click the link here, and you will be redirected to the log-in screen.

How do I reset my password?

If you have lost your account password, you will need to use the password reset form located here.

I didn't receive an activation email, what can I do?

Please make sure to check your spam or junk folder for the email. You can also request to have another activation email sent to you here.
If you still do not receive it, try adding to your email provider's whitelist.

Can I retrieve my account password if I no longer have access to my old email address?

In short, yes. However, you will have to provide proof of ownership for the account you are inquiring about. This means, you must know the original email registered to the account. Send a request to with the following information:

  • Account: (userID, name or link to the account)
  • Email: (the registered email address)
  • Any other information that would help us identify the account


What is a submission?

In a nutshell, a submission is any type of content that you submit to the site. Whether it's a skin, map, gui, texture, etc. It provides you with a way to display your work, allows others to download your content & provide constructive feedback to help you improve!

How can I create a submission?

We have made it very easy to submit content to the site by adding a page dedicated to that. You can access it here. Simply click on section you wish to add your content to and follow through with the form.

What does it mean when my submission is flagged, withheld or trashed?

  • A submission is flagged when it violates our site rules. Simply check the flag page of your submission and make the necessary changes if applicable. A staff member will soon review the submission and trash the flags if you have made the proper change(s).
  • A submission is withheld if it is flagged 4 times, or by a staff member. You will need to make appropriate changes to your submission to get it relisted. Simply make a post on the unwithhold page of the submission and a staff member will review your submission to have it relisted.
  • A submission is trashed if it is in direct violation of our site rules. It if important to understand that once a submission is trashed, you are not to re-upload it or you risk being gagged.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT re-submit content that has been withheld or trashed by a staff member (unless granted permission). This will only result in your newest submission being trashed.

How do I edit or trash my submission?

On the submission profile, simply click the edit () or trash () button. If you cannot see these buttons, you may have to disable Adblock Plus.

A submission is breaking the site rules, what are my options?

If you have come across a submission that breaks our site rules, you have a couple of options in order to notify the staff. The first option you should always resort to is flagging the submission if available (submissions cannot be flagged after two weeks have passed since its creation). Staff will be able to see flagged submissions via our admin panel. The second option is to use the report button (). This is available on every submission profile and when clicked you are prompted with a support ticket report. Fill out the necessary fields and include all relevant information. If it is deemed to break our site rules, action will be taken by a staff member.



The settings panel is where you control your personal settings, options and preferences.

How do I change my settings?

You can change your settings by clicking the wrench () image at the top of the site.

I'm not receiving email or activity log notifications, why?

You need to navigate to the "Settings" area in the navigation pane and select "Notifications." Here you will be presented with the ability to enroll in our monthly newsletters, receive emails notifications and get activity log notices for a number of events.

I received a ban and would like to appeal it, how can I do this?

If you have been banned from the GameBanana network, you may dispute your ban by emailing Be sure to include your username and or userID.

I received a gag, what is this?

A gag means you have either seriously violated our site rules, or you have been a repeat offender. When you are gagged from a section(s) you will not be able to upload content to those section(s) until your gag has expired.

A user is harassing me, what can I do to stop him?

If you are being harassed, create a support ticket immediately and include all relevant information and or link(s).

How can I earn points?

Points can be earned in a variety of ways. You can earn points by:

Here is a breakdown of our points chart.

Can I have more than one account?

Users may only have ONE account, NO exceptions. If you are found to be using two accounts, the newest one will be banned.

How do I delete my account?

Accounts cannot be deleted.

What is Ripe membership and how do I get it?

Ripe is THE upgrade to GAMEBANANA.

Key features

  • No Ads – get rid of those pesky ads.
  • uPic – the infamous Username Picture. Nothing better distinguishes you from those inferior non-Ripers. With an uPic, you become a God amongst Men on GAMEBANANA – you stand out and people respect you.
  • QDL – Quick Download – download skins, maps and other content directly from lists, without having to navigate to the download page and select a mirror.
  • Tree House – access to the private Ripe members forum. What goes on in there? It’s like Las Vegas – what happens in the Tree House stays in the Tree House.

Want? Click here.


How do I make a reply?

To reply you need to simply click either "Add Comment" or "Add Reply" on any submission. This will open a dialogue in which you can compose your message. For most sections you'll see two options in the dialogue. Structured is the default posting message which you can provide a list of pros, cons, improvements, etc. If you do not wish to use structured, select freeform. You also have the option to post as yourself or anonymously (where only staff can see who you are).

What posting tools are available?

We have a variety of easy to use posting tools available. Simply click the corresponding button you wish to use and you will be prompted with an input field.

How can I edit or delete my post?

It is fairly easy to edit or delete a post of yours. To edit a post click the edit () button and to delete a post click the trash () button.

A user has made a rude, abusive or derogatory comment, what can I do?

The quickest way to go about this is to create a support ticket by clicking the report icon () above any post and patiently wait for one of our representatives to get to it. Tickets are resolved in the order they come in, so please do not create more than one ticket for the same issue.

International posting

GameBanana for the most part is an English only site. This means, submission content must be in English (no exceptions). However, you are free to use your native language in the following sections: studio profiles, help wanted, WiP and projects pages.

3 months ago 5 posts 2,643 views


  • natko's Levels
    • P6: Merchant
      Points: 259,446
    • E1: Helper
      EF: 1
    • C5: Admin
    • A7: Legend
      Account Age: 11 years

    Posted by Just_Jonny

    I wasn't live on gamebanana since it was called fspbanana lol, I took my time to read this but I wonder how long it takes to see uploaded stuff on your site, and if ther's any problem if I porting an old maps (ex: cs1.5 to csgo map)?

    It's instant, once you upload something you'll see it. And yes, porting from CS 1.5 to CS:GO is illegal. Please view our porting whitelist. Thank you.

  • Just_Jonny's Levels
    • P1: Beggar
      Points: 81
    • C1: Member
    • A5: Veteran
      Account Age: 5 years

    I wasn't live on gamebanana since it was called fspbanana lol, I took my time to read this but I wonder how long it takes to see uploaded stuff on your site, and if ther's any problem if I porting an old maps (ex: cs1.5 to csgo map)?

    User Title
    BE A MAN - use SCOUT
  • will2k's Levels
    • P2: Drudge
      Points: 4,520
    • E3: Tutor
      EF: 52
    • C1: Member
    • A3: Apprentice
      Account Age: 2 years

    Posted by Logan Dougall

    Posted by kleiner_hl

    No one will read this of the new members, as usual.

    Oh, I wouldn't assume to know our plans for this :D There are lots of new-member specific features in mind atm.

    That's a pretty nice start and I'm sure you have lots of features in mind for the new members of the Banana.

    I would suggest to add FAQ click-able button on the nav bar (just next to Home, DevHub, forums... buttons) to be visible at all time for new and lost old members :)

    When clicked, the button will redirect to this wiki for further reading and guidance.

    PS: Natko and Logan - Congratulations on the promotion to site admin. I didn't have the chance to congratulate you before but better late than never :). Best of luck in your future endeavors and keep up the good work and the watchful eye on the community.


    User Title
    cosa dici!
  • Logan Dougall's Levels
    • P5: Peddler
      Points: 157,213
    • E6: Authority
      EF: 223
    • C5: Admin
    • A6: Elder
      Account Age: 7 years

    Posted by kleiner_hl

    No one will read this of the new members, as usual.

    Oh, I wouldn't assume to know our plans for this :D There are lots of new-member specific features in mind atm.

    Adding _csgo to CS:GO maps...?
  • kleiner_hl's Levels
    • P3: Peasant
      Points: 8,962
    • C1: Member
    • A2: Tenderfoot
      Account Age: 9 months

    No one will read this of the new members, as usual.

    User Title
    I Hate Members With No Avatars
