90% Textured. 100% Animated. 20% Compiled.
Still have to work in all the sound timing, muzzle flash, mirroring, world models, and finish the few parts of the skin I still haven't done.
I test compiled the skin, it looked really nice in game, I will make some really nice bump maps to go with it as well, which will make it even better. :]
Animation Preview:
FYI: Video is extremely laggy! Animations are actually very well done, with high FPS. (Mainly on the shoots is where they go laggy.)
If you cant tell, there are two different draws and two different shoots.
Model: Lucky Shot Texture + Anims: Krossbowkid Sounds: Prodigy + TrappaKeepa
NOTE: The left arm in the screenshot is not really like that, It's actually moved to the left more, however, you cannot tell in this shot since i got to lazy to upload an updated one.