Police Baton
Model +UV thanks to Shader Thanks to BadPrankster for compile
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Awesome, you knew just what i needed :D
Can someone help me with installation? And yes, I have gone inside the tf folder and extracted only what I wanted
Broken! If you atack with this the bat is invisible
♪ Gonna beat me some BLUs to death with a nightstick~♪
Overall, great, but Tf2 custom models=no-no.
Nice, really well done even the custom ways of hold but doesn't really fit the scout, but hey its TF2 who cares.
Pros: Very original! Love It! Cons: None Improvements: None Notes: NICE
Pros: Love the originality. Looks great in regular stance.
Very well done, nice job.
Looks Cool :)
GIMP Milkshape vtfedit