More models in the parking garage;
Crowbar (found in garage 1 control room);
More floating islands in the Levitating Isles (mostly concrete and tile);
An objective in the Levitating Isles (power generator);
Inverted Laboratory;
Eerie apartment; Gman sequence
Intro Music upon entering the Levitating Isles (whenever a save would be loaded the music would play; I'll find a way to fix this);
Light coming from air duct on ceiling of garage 2 (added hanging lights instead);
Fog in Levitating Isles;
The exit of the levitating isles (the doors) now open horizontally instead of swinging
The Void is now black
Known bugs:
The 'fluorescent light' sound effect will not play;
The opening credits will not display
Please send feedback! There is much more room for new areas!