.max to .obj or .smd converter?

By Gracy Mill 9 hours ago

when i download models, these are .max file, and I don't know how to use it for my Milkshape3D. help me! I haven't 3ds max! can I convert .max to .obj or .smd or anything can work in MS3D??

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  • Devieus's Levels
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    Nope, '.max' filetype is poorly documented so only the 3DS max program can open them, basically anyone who makes a model submission with only this filetype is an asshole and you need to tell them to add '.obj' files as well.

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    Sentinel of the TV remote
  • BrainCollector's Levels
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    Yup, there is one tool named - 3ds max with smd plugin. Easy as that huh ? You can have 3 years free version of 3ds max from student autodesk, all you have to do is register and download even newest version of 3ds max

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    Polska krew
  • Devieus's Levels
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    So essentially you can't without installing a bloaty program you only have access to for 3 years.

    It's probably faster to ask someone to convert it for you.

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    Sentinel of the TV remote
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