I bet no one reads this; if you're one of the few, leave me a message. Of course, this place is constantly prone to change.
I expect the inevitable.
There are no leaders, only followers.
Some people seem to think I'm from the future because I can compile for Black Mesa, when really it's more of an arcane magic, since it's using Source 2007 SDK.
"This is why we beta test."
They say a genius' workplace looks like a mess, and I'd say this place is a sty.
Every map has potential to be anything, no exceptions.
No submission should ever get a 10, it would imply perfection, but nothing is without flaw; something that is perfect now, will still be perfect tomorrow, as well as yesterday.
The best way to learn is with a teacher, the best way to improve is with more teachers, the best way to develop your own style is with no teachers at all.
All is fair in love and wargames, except cheating.
Imagine what my überstyle would be like with me being who I am; I guess it looks sorta like this.
Some people can't see a good idea if it hits them in the face; then again, an idea that would hit someone in the face is probably not very good to begin with.
Am I part of the strongly connected component yet?
Give a man a fish and you feed him for the day, teach a man to fish and you lose a customer; so why do I keep teaching people stuff?
In this world, young adult males have the choice of either Brony or Otaku, what's the third option again?
Remember when games used to be fun?
Are games art? Ask the 2D and 3D artists, the orchestra, and the architects if what they do is art. Tell them square in the face it's not art, and they'll lynch you where you stand.
I suck at making enemies.
I'm a jack of most trades, it seems; but there's too much trades these days to be a jack of all of them.
[citation provided]
No plot? No problem!
Do Bronies worship the IPU?
If you're paranoid, it just means you think you're a person of interest.
What if marriage before sex was taboo, and Jesus was a woman?
By the time of writing, all the YouTube videos combined would be longer than an average person's life; in a couple of years, so would the result of any single word search. Life's too short for reruns.
There are no stupid questions, only stupid people who won't answer questions because they think it's stupid.
I wonder how many people's dictionary I've fucked up by thinking my name is the correct way of spelling it.
Skyloft must have the most stagnant economy ever.
This module should be compulsory for every member on this site.
The grand index of everything.
Any question? No? Class dismissed.