What desk habits do you have?
Do you clear your desk? Have it cluttered? Music on/off? Food? Coffee? Pants on/off? Open up 1 million tabs on your desktop? Close every window not needed?
Plenty of water. Music constantly. Attempt to limit distractions but always fail miserably. Do not work unless it's due the next day.
Those are my work habits :P
Posted by Mini
Do not work unless it's due the next day.
2 things due for Monday. >:(
Posted by Scouts
Posted by Mini
Do not work unless it's due the next day.
2 things due for Monday. >:(
Party tonight, work tomorrow!
That pretty much depends what I work on, 2D, 3D, programming, I recently started making music too.
Drinkin' some coffee ; Drinkin' some Red Bull -> Can't sleep
I keep on pressing my negation key (`¬ -- aka that key under Escape on ISO keyboards) to open up terminal to either: A) Use Irssi to check up on channels and talk to myself B) Keep on spamming my Archey script C) Edit things in Vi that I don't need to edit and don't use D) Play around with alsamixer, volume up, volume down, volume up, volume down
1.Work for 10 dollars an hour with my 43,000 dollar education
and really that's all I can think of haha... I can honestly say the pay grade doesn't meet the amount of work I do.