Weird, Funny, or Obserd.
By krossbowkid 4 years agoThis is a thread where you can list your fears. It can be anything, Funny, Crazy, and even Weird. Just have fun and post any fears you have.
Feel free to laugh at other people in this thread too. You can post as many as you want.
Here we go.
I have a fear of swimming in lakes. I don't know why but when I jump in a lake I panic and squirm in the water and can't stay in the lake for more than 5 seconds before I run out. I can handle going up to my knees on the shore but I'm talking about jumping in like the middle of the lake. I love swimming pools though, especially deep ends and diving boards. I also love to swim in the ocean, just not lakes :<
So anyway theirs one of my fears.
How 'bout you guys?
go go go.